Thursday, November 21, 2013

Time passed and after many years met an elder and experienced hermit, who asked him how he had lear

If our despair stems from very deep within us, if we ask, what we scream, is so essential to cover all the needs of our lives, then we find appropriate words to pray and we can get to the top time of prayer our meeting with God.
I would like to say something about the "cry" of prayer. Yeller blind Vartimaios. But what does the Gospel to the people around him? Were trying, he says, make him silent. We can imagine all those pious people with good eyesight, strong legs, good health encircled Christ and talked about high matters, for the kingdom of God comes on the mysteries of the Scriptures, to turn toward the Vartimaio and to say to him: 'finally, I could not rest; Your eyes, your eyes, and what importance they have while talking about God? "The Vartimaios seemed like something stranger suddenly entered the middle and completely cookies jars oblivious to the happening, asking God something that desperately needed to. And all these made despite the fact that the voices of destroyed harmony ceremonial discussions around it. The upset could remove him and make him silent. The Gospel, however, says that while all these people wanted cookies jars to settle down, he insisted, because what was asked of great importance to him. The more they tried to silence him, the more he cried. cookies jars Here is my message.
There is in Greece a saint called Maximus. He was young when one day he went to church and heard the reading cookies jars of the Apostle says that we should pray "continually." cookies jars This made so much impression on Maximus that he thought that he could do nothing but try to meet this mandate. When he came out of the temple thought to go to the nearest mountain cookies jars and there sedate start praying like hearing the Gospel. As a Greek peasant of the fourth century, knew the "Our Father" and a few other prayers. So, as he tells us, he began to say one after the other, and over again, endlessly. Felt, really, really beautiful. Prayer was companionship with God, was glad. Then everything seemed so perfect! Only slowly cookies jars the sun began to fall, began making cold and dark. The night had fallen for good when he began to hear noises around him, many strange noises. He heard breaking branches underfoot animal saw the bright eyes of wild beasts, he heard the cries of small animals cookies jars who ate the biggest. She listened to all kinds of acquaintances noises cookies jars of the forest. Then he felt that he was alone. Actually only a small defenseless creature within the world of danger, death, grief. Felt she had no other help if God does not give him his own. Not continued longer says "Our Father" and "I". He did what he did and Vartimaios. He started shouting loudly: "Lord cookies jars Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me." cookies jars Shout it all night because of the forest alive and shining eyes gave him no chance to sleep. Finally dawned. He thought, cookies jars then, after all the animals have gone longer and went to sleep "now cookies jars I too want to pray." But then he felt hungry. He thought he could pick some berries to eat. He approached a bush, but suddenly came the thought that all gleaming eyes and wild nails should be hidden cookies jars somewhere in the bushes. So he began to proceed very carefully and at every step he said: "Lord Jesus Christ, save me, help me, help me, save me. Oh my God, help me, protect me. " For each Raspberry gathered, certainly had prayed many times.
Time passed and after many years met an elder and experienced hermit, who asked him how he had learned to pray without ceasing. Maximus said: "I think the devil taught me to pray without ceasing." The elder replied: "I understand cookies jars what you want to say. But I want to be sure I understand you correctly. " Maximus then explained how he had slowly accustomed cookies jars to all the noise and dangers of the day and night. But then came carnal temptations, cookies jars temptations of the mind, feelings and later more powerful attacks of the devil. After all this there was no time of day or night that does not scream to God: "Have mercy, have mercy, help, help, help." One day, after fourteen years of uninterrupted prayer the Lord revealed. From that moment quietness, peace and tranquility in flooded. There was no fear - fear of the dark, out of the bushes, nor the devil-the Lord had prevailed. "Then," said Maximus, "I learned that if the Lord did not come, I'm hopelessly helpless. So, when I was still serene

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