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Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - a very common disease in the world today. According to statistics from the stomach suffers 6-14% of the population, accounting for 10% of Ukrainian. The appearance of ulcers can be caused by several reasons: a violation brandner of the diet, eating hastily, vsuhom'yatku, alcohol, smoking, taking medications, vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep, depression and nervous stress.
Symptoms of ulcers depends on the person's age and location of ulcers. brandner The main symptom is a severe stomach pain "a spoon" that occurs after a meal, as acid regurgitation, heartburn, nausea (often accompanied by vomiting), weight loss. People suffering from stomach ulcer should know which foods they should avoid.
If a person suffers from stomach ulcers, it must comply with the basic rules of admission and cooking. It is necessary to eat meals in a grind, you do not want chewed for a long time and to avoid irritation of the stomach wall. Remember brandner that you need to eat frequently, about every 3-4 hours, but not profusely. Do not take too cold or too hot food, the optimum temperature of food should be warm. We restrict salt intake, foods containing carbohydrates (sugar, honey), products containing fats. In the diet should not include foods such as cabbage broth, fish or meat broth. brandner The best cook in steam, or boil.
When an ulcer to exclude meals and Beverage excite strong secretion, such as meals from fatty meats and fish, fried foods, spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, alcohol, strong tea and coffee, meats, brandner sausages, canned food, spicy meals. It should abandon the coarse fiber, which irritates the stomach wall. We abandon products containing coarse fibers vegetables such as turnips, radishes, green beans and peas, asparagus, unripe fruits brandner fruits and vegetables, bread from wheat flour.
With all the restrictions, diet should be balanced and be rich in nutrients and substances, brandner proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The diet should be filled with a variety of products containing meat and vegetable and animal fat.
Gastric ulcer should be eating more possible liquid and kashopodibnyh dishes. Best to eat food that is processed quickly and leaves the body. Longest to digest fats. The diet for gastric shall consist of liquid porridge, vegetable soups, cooked meat and fish, milk and dairy products, eggs cooked screw, vegetable oils, jelly, jelly, alkaline water (excluding carbon dioxide).
If the peptic ulcer disease is difficult, there are severe pain, then you need to follow a special diet. A diet designed for 2 days, the value is taken about the number of products can increase or decrease depending on the mood.
Lunch: 200 grams of oatmeal, 1 slice of white bread 200 ml milk
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