Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bile is needed by the body to food processing, apple cookie jar varying in quality and quantity. We

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Bile is needed by the body to food processing, apple cookie jar varying in quality and quantity. We regularly apple cookie jar overload body fat, spicy, fried food, with a lot of cholesterol, thus stock one makes bile to work for him in the wrong rhythm. The most common disease of the gall bladder - cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is divided into acute and chronic, with the formation of stones (calculous) or without stone formation (akalkuleznyy).
The gallbladder is composed of muscle tissue. This fabric has a contractile function and with it a reduction in the bladder wall, which provides the movement of bile. Violation of the body mobility biliary tract dyskinesia apple cookie jar occurs. Dyskinesia - the phenomenon of motility of the gallbladder and bile ducts, leading to stagnation apple cookie jar of bile, impaired bile formation and biliary excretion. apple cookie jar The main symptom - pain in the right upper quadrant of regular and irregular character, poor appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, in rare cases, morning vomiting bile.
Dyskinesia may lead to cholelithiasis. Cholelithiasis is the formation in the gall bladder and ducts stones. Stones apple cookie jar smaller sizes can easily apple cookie jar move into the duodenum and get out. In other cases, the stones can lead bile duct and cause inflammation of the gallbladder apple cookie jar (acute cholecystitis).
With slow disease is referred to as chronic cholecystitis. Chronic cholecystitis is divided into two types: apple cookie jar (1) cholecystitis develops slowly, without pronounced symptoms for months or years, (2) cholecystitis, formed after acute cholecystitis. These diseases are diagnosed by ultrasonography. When the study also reveal the presence of gallstones, signs of inflammation.
To treat the disease in combination with medication recommended diet. Ration apple cookie jar depends on the complexity and extent of the disease. Exchange processes of the body are directly related to the liver, so the diet in diseases of the gallbladder intended to reduce the burden on the liver.
Light diet used in chronic cholecystitis. The food should be consumed frequently and in small amounts, approximately 300hramm. It is recommended to eat food that contains proteins, and contains a moderate amount of fat of plant origin. This butter and vegetable oil, animal fats but completely contraindicated. Carbohydrate-rich foods especially contraindicated, they contribute to stagnation of bile and impede its flow. Recommended delicate diet menu
On the menu there should be products that contain essential oils and extractives. These include meat, fish, mushroom soup, pepper, horseradish, radish, radish, sorrel, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, cold food and drinks (ice cream, soda). Foods that contain roughage - rye bread, legumes and nuts. Not recommended chocolates, cocoa, coffee and sweet pastry.
Important role in the treatment of gallbladder and biliary dyskinesia take broths choleretic herbs - Helichrysum, corn silk, musk, St. John's wort. Take in need of acute during the month. apple cookie jar
St. John's Wort Broth, musk, Helichrysum take two or three times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals for 1/2 or 2/3 cup. Corn silk should be taken three times a day for 15 minutes before a meal, a tablespoon. It should be noted that the tendency to constipation take St. John's wort is undesirable.
After removal of the gallbladder is assigned a strict diet. It prohibits apple cookie jar the use of all fats of vegetable and animal origin. It is desirable to almost completely eliminate meats from the diet. When a person is difficult to completely give up meat, experts can use lean boiled chicken or beef in small quantities, apple cookie jar different varieties of cooked lean fish.
Particularly important is the use of large amounts of fluid to three liters a day. This includes also diluted juices, fragile green and black tea. Very useful buckwheat and oatmeal, low-fat cheese and yogurt. You can eat white bread, pasta, pasta.
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