Sunday, November 3, 2013

Diet for gastritis with high acidity diet for gastritis with high acidity diet in acute gastritis u

Diet for gastritis with high acidity diet for gastritis with high acidity diet in acute gastritis use food for therapeutic purposes is known for a long time. Hippocrates pointed out that nutrients must Medicines and medical equipment - nutrients. Gastritis with high acidity - is just a disease in which diet is an integral part of the treatment process along with medication.
Gastritis - an inflammation of the stomach wall. It can occur both with high and with normal or low acidity of gastric juice. In all forms of the disease suffer gastric ruser mucosa. Under normal conditions (outside the disease) gastric mucosa has a high continuous load, but this is offset by its great restorative powers.
At various diseases such recovery capabilities are greatly reduced, because one of the main principles of the dietary treatment of gastritis is schazheniya gastric mucosa. Schazheniya ruser may be mechanical, chemical and thermal.
First of all, you need a mechanical schazheniya which is achieved as a choice of quality food (especially its content of crude fiber) and volume once the ingested food and its cooking. ruser
A lot of rough fiber found in raw and immature fruits, cabbage, cucumbers, beans, peas, berries with coarse sandpaper (gooseberries, currants), so taking these products should be limited. It is also known that the amount of food (and hence its possible hyperextension) affect its secretory and motor abilities. Therefore, the second main principle dietary gastritis is often fractional (small portions) food. Cook food during treatment of exacerbations - a liquid and semi-liquid food without exacerbation - is mostly steamed or cooked food.
Gastritis with high acidity recommended products that provide high intensity sokohonnoe influence both associated hydrochloric acid (antacid effect). It boiled meat and fish, white bread, most berries (no rough peel) and fruit (they must be clean). Also recommended products with weak sokohonnym action: dairy products, boiled eggs, cereals, white bread crumbs, sweet, fruit and vegetable juices. Brake gastric secretion of fat (such as butter or vegetable oil), and egg protein rapidly inactivates hydrochloric acid. Mucous decoctions of cereals and sugary foods promote mucus film covering ruser and thereby prevent irritating the gastric juice in the epithelium of the gastric mucosa.
Gastritis with acidity should avoid foods that have expressed sokohonnym properties, this salt, seasoning salt, strong broth with meat, fish and vegetables, grilled meat, brown bread, sugary soft drinks, strong tea and coffee.
Found that cold food inhibits acid and fermentoobrazuyuschey function, but is at the same slow process of regeneration of the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Hot food dilates blood vessels, causing blood flow to the stomach and an increased secretion of gastric juice. Therefore gastritis with increased secretion of recommended dishes slightly warm or at room temperature.
Diet for Hypertension: caution and moderation Diet for Hypertension: caution and moderation Diet for Hypertension: caution and moderation ruser What to hypertension diet hypertension is important. ...

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