Thursday, November 7, 2013

In food that is rich in proteins is another important feature - it increases the basic metabolism t

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People with food to get enough protein as they need it: as a source of energy - in this role in addition to fats and carbohydrates and proteins can act, but extremely wasteful to use them for this purpose. to create new cells - old cells are destroyed, and the man constantly coolroom hire melbourne needed to build new proteins. as the sole source of nitrogen - without this chemical element body can not produce other proteins.
The value of protein for humans can be determined by ease of assimilation, composition and quantity of essential amino acids. coolroom hire melbourne Vegetable proteins have less value as animal - more. But to fully supply the body, essential amino acids they need to eat a variety of foods.
Lack of protein in the diet leads to tissue breakdown, when the body is forced to use its own nitrogen and proteins to cover the vital needs. coolroom hire melbourne For example, it can be represented as: construction workers building a house, lack of materials, and that work has not stood apart they have built walls and building materials coolroom hire melbourne received from others.
Of course, nothing good in this case will not work. While this may be an imbalance of hormones violated the nervous system, muscle breakdown will be deposited fat in the internal organs, ohanizm will replace their destruction.
In food that is rich in proteins is another important feature - it increases the basic metabolism to 40%, so long as it is digested and the body spends much of its energy on digestion. This means that the fats and carbohydrates that came with the food will be used for the energy needs and you will not hladshaty.
The table of content of proteins in food may come in handy for those who decide to provide a "healthy diet" enough protein. Products in the table are in order of their number.
Eggs 45.0 kcal 544 Sturgeon Caviar break-Soy 34.9 36.0 235 401 34.2 624 Dry yolk caviar salmon caviar sturgeon caviar 31.6 250 28.9 202 roe caviar break-pollock 28.4 130 28.2 Cervelat 360 White mushrooms, dried 27.6 211 27.0 468 Dutch Cheese coolroom hire melbourne Peanut Cheese Poshekhonsky 26.3 550 26.0 446 Milk powder 25.6 485 25.0 433 Swiss Cheese Sausage sausage Moscow coolroom hire melbourne 24.8 24.8 323 472 Lentils Caviar bream break-Processed cheese 24.7 142 24.0 501 23.0 337 Rotary Peas Sausage sausage Minsk 23.0 259 23.0 497 n Cheese Tuna Ham 22.6 101 23.0 278 22.3 322 Salmon Beans 22 0138 Shrimp coolroom hire melbourne turkey 22.0 97 21.6 197 21.0 147 Pink salmon sausage sausage Amateur Chicken 20.8 20.9 513 164 20.8 219 Salmon Rabbit 20.7 198 20.7 578 Sunflower Breakfast Tourist (beef) 20.5 175 Fish-saber Horse 20.2 110 20.3 143 20.0 89 lean veal rybets Caspian Sea Eel 19.2 98 19.1 93 Whitefish Perch 19.0 19.0 143 83 19.0 148 Beef fat Beef Halibut 18.9 187 18.9 102 18.8 80 Burbot Pork Liver 18.8 18.8 81 107 Pike Lamb Chicken Liver 18.7 100 18.7 146 18.6 648 Almond Saira 18.6 182 18 Bass River 5 Scad 82 18.5 119 18.4 121 Carp Ide Kalmar 18.0 18.2 81 74 18.0 153 Mackerel Low-fat cheese Cheeses 17.9 18.0 96 252 17.7 87 Kara Herring 246 17.7 Sea Bass Cod 17.5 17.6 117 75 17.4 97 Beef Liver Sausage Amateur boiled-smoked Sprat 17.3 420 17.3 119 17.1 105 Bream Sturgeon 17.0 122 Breakfast Tourist (pork) 16.9 206 Beef Braised Catfish 16.8 231 16.8 143 16.7 153 Cheese bold Hake 16.6 86 16.5 Sausage Ukrainian sausage lean pork 375 16.5 259 16.5 345 Utyatyna Poltava sausage Sausage 16.4 416 16.4 Sturgeon Pork 163 16.4 315 16.3 202 Lamb Sausage coolroom hire melbourne Krakow sausage goose 16.2 466 16.1 364 16.1 87 Flounder saffron cod whiting 16.1 73 16.1 72 16.1 80 fat Cheese Hazelnut 16.1 706 Carp Crab 16.0 96 16.0 68 15.9 69 Alaska pollack Smelt Ice 15.5 90 15.5 74 15.2 213 Sausage Stuffing Pork Heart Pork stew 15.1 89 15.0 348 15.0 87 beef heart Nototeniya marble Lamprey 14.8 155 14.7 165 14.5 332 Eel Tongue pork fat cheese 14.2 208 14.0 223 13.8 647 Walnut Doctor Sausage Cooked Lamb kidneys 13.7 260 13.6 76 13.6 Beef tongue 163 Sheep's heart Capelin 13.5 76 13.4 157 13.2 60 Coal Makrurus fish Hercules 157 13.2 13.1 371 13.0 79 pig kidneys Bulls wheat groats 12.8 144 12.7 343 12.7 tahini halva Egg 522 12.7 157 12.6 345 Buckwheat Sausage Veal Kidney Cooked Beef 12.5 316 12.5 66 12.3 172 Udder beef sausages Dairy 276 12.3 12.2 Cooked coolroom hire melbourne Sausage Amateur

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