Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Health News Diseases and Treatment Diabetes Respiratory System Proctology Oncology: Diagnosis and t

Health News Diseases and Treatment Diabetes Respiratory System Proctology Oncology: Diagnosis and treatment weird food around the world of colds and flu ENT Disorders of the stomach and digestive Neurology Ophthalmology Infectious Diseases of the blood vessels and heart rare and hereditary Healthy Lifestyle Coaching stars Useful weird food around the world information Exercise injurious to health care a Health AZ First Aid Men's Health Problems Immunity All About Vitamins Sleep problems Headaches Diagnostic Techniques Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs Diet Food Diet Healthy Diet for diseases Overweight
People suffering from a stomach ulcer, do not know firsthand about what it is. Painful attacks of abdominal weird food around the world cramps, nausea, vomiting and frequent heartburn constantly plaguing patients. Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that even a wolf howl.
Often these unfavorable effects are due to a basic failure table. At first glance harmless products may well hurt in your stomach that will not find it. Experienced yazvennyk always aware of what products he should stay away to minimize their suffering. Do you know them?
So, what about your diet nutrition in ulcer? Each stomach ulcers should arm the following rules: cook dishes that require longer chewing and do not irritate the stomach wall, eat often! When split meals can significantly reduce the excitability weird food around the world of the nervous weird food around the world system, do not use too hot and very cold foods. Food should be warm, limit yourself in the consumption of salt! If an ulcer is permitted daily dose of 8-10 grams of salt.
Remember that at the first stage of the disease is the most strict diet. Eat up to 8 times a day in small portions. Food should be steamed or boiled weird food around the world and mashed thoroughly.
Unsubscribe costs from strong activators of gastric secretion. These include fried foods, spicy foods, meat, fish and mushroom broth, spices (bay leaf, mustard, pepper, etc.), weird food around the world strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, canned, smoked.
Avoid coarse fiber, which irritates the lining of the stomach. For products containing crude fiber include: vegetables such as turnips, radishes, green beans and peas, asparagus, unripe fruits fruits and vegetables, bread from wheat flour
Note that all these restrictions daily diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. So the menu should be as varied and include both plant foods and animal protein.
Try to eat as much liquid and kashopodibnoho dishes. In gastric and good food that is digested quickly and leaves your body. The most tenacious settlers in your stomach - fat.
Green light for patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal weird food around the world ulcer give the following products: liquid cereal, vegetable soups, boiled meat and fish, milk and dairy products. Screw boiled eggs, vegetable oil (sunflower, olive), jelly and jelly, alkaline water, which contains no carbon dioxide.
Breakfast: wheat bread with butter, weird food around the world mineral water without gas - 200 ml.
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