Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Scientists today in the area of quantum mechanics like chess players who learn slowly but surely p

Quantum information: The rules for a complex quantum world | Physics4u's Weblog
Posted by: physics4u | 21/01/2012 Quantum information: The rules for a complex quantum world
In previous decades, physicists have learned that ordinary rules on can lay a very rich behavior. Take for example chess. The rules are relatively simple, but ruled only with them in order to earn an experienced player. There are other rules strategy belonging to an upper structure of the rules of the game. These are the ones who give birth and the complexity and beauty of the game.
Scientists today in the area of quantum mechanics like chess players who learn slowly but surely playing well. We know the rules of quantum mechanics for 80 years, and we make some smart moves. But only gradually learn the high-level principles governing the complexity of the quantum world.
The discovery of these principles is the goal of quantum information science. headmasters teddington Most articles on quantum information science focus on technological applications, such as teleportation of quantum states from one location to another. Other physicists use quantum headmasters teddington states to create headmasters teddington cryptographic keys that are absolutely safe, and others write algorithms for quantum computers of the future.
The attractive and if these new technologies, they still hide the fact that they are products of deep search of new scientific issues. They play a role similar headmasters teddington to steam and other engines sparked by the development of thermodynamics in the 18th and 19th century.
Thermodynamics developed trying to answer profound questions: How did the heat energy and temperature and that are transformations of various energies. What is the role of entropy etc.
Similar scientists quantum information require the relationship between classical and quantum units of information, new ways of processing quantum information, and an essential attribute called quantum entanglement. Often entanglement occurs as a property of "all or nothing", in which quantum particles are either entangled or not.
The science of quantum information revealed that the entanglement is a quantitative property as energy. Other systems have little headmasters teddington entanglement and other great. The more entanglement has provided a system, the more suitable it is for managing quantum information.
At the same time researchers have begun to formulate and the first strong headmasters teddington laws regarding interleaving. This description helps to understand how we can process quantum information.
The science of quantum information but is fairly new, so scientists disagree what issues are at the center. The personal opinion of the author is that it must be sought general principles such as laws of entanglement, which will help us understand the complexity in quantum systems.
Many studies focus on the complexity of systems such as the weather, which is rather classical systems rather than quantum. This focus is natural because most complex systems we encounter is macroscopic, ie contain many components, and it is true that the greater the size of the systems, both lose their quantum behavior and become classics.
This transition from quantum to classical is because very large quantum systems generally interact with their environment, and occurs in a process called decoherence (or destruction of superposition), which destroys quantum properties.
As an example of the destruction headmasters teddington of the overlay Consider the famous example of Erwin Schrödinger cat lying in a strange quantum headmasters teddington state inside a box. The cat is in a quantum state which is simultaneously alive and dead.
In a real experiment, however, the cat interacts with the container exchanging light, heat and sound and the container in turn interacts with the outside world. Within nanoseconds, these procedures in

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