Thursday, November 14, 2013

This is a low calorie diet (1800 kcal). During the diet recommended to use normal physiological goo

Diet for pancreatic cancer | New Fashion
Pancreas - an important organ of the digestive goodmans interior structures system. goodmans interior structures It performs endocrine and zovnisekretornu function and allocates pancreatic juice, which contains the basic food enzymes. The pancreas is involved in the regulation of fat, carbohydrate goodmans interior structures and protein metabolism. If the gland is no longer fully perform its function in the body is a serious disorder. Help solve the problem of diet for pancreatic cancer. Terms
This is a low calorie diet (1800 kcal). During the diet recommended to use normal physiological goodmans interior structures protein (for an adult it is 80 grams). 2/3 protein should be of vegetable origin (which means that only accounts for one third of the proteins varynnoho origin). Consumption of fats and carbohydrates drastically limited (60 and 200 grams, respectively). Exceptions are subject to the products that trigger bloating. During prohibition is food rich in crude fiber and extractive substances (they stimulate goodmans interior structures the secretion goodmans interior structures of digestive juices). Daily recommended to drink 1.5 - two liters of water. Salt will be limited to eight to ten grams a day. Food for diet
Food grind (rub on a grater) and baked, boiled or steamed. Temperature of food supply should be comfortable (hot and cold dishes can not be taken). Menu diet for pancreas
weak tea with a little sugar (you can add lemon, milk); broth hips; diluted juices; wheat bread yesterday baking fresh or dried, and wafer crackers and cookies; Fermented foods and drinks (low-fat cheese and sour, yogurt, etc.); pureed soups vegetarian goodmans interior structures cereal with added 5 grams of butter or sour cream 10 grams; egg whites - two things and two yolks; Song meats, poultry and fish; pureed or viscous porridge and cereal products (casseroles, etc.); pasta; Refined vegetable oil - 15 grams; butter - 30 grams; starchy vegetables; sour fruits and berries; unsweetened or semi-sweet desserts and jellies.
cocoa, coffee, soda and cold drinks and wine; fresh pastry goodmans interior structures and buns; High-fat dairy products; Meat soups and dishes based on them; hard-boiled eggs, and whole eggs; Fatty varieties of fish, meat and poultry; sausages, canned meats, eggs and offal; crisp cereal (barley, maize, barley groats, millet is subject to restrictions); not pureed raw vegetables; grapes, figs, bananas, figs ; pastry and any sweets; spices; lard and cooking oils; any alcoholic beverages.
From the above list of acceptable products can make your menu entirely independently but can not hurt to consult a doctor who can correct advice goodmans interior structures on diet for pancreatic cancer. Related Posts related to:
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