Saturday, September 27, 2014

The phenomenon encouraged more than 30 hypotheses and theories of what happened. The first theory w

Natural disasters have influenced the course of history through time, causing hunger, loss of life, and in extreme cases, the destruction of entire glass spigot civilizations. Here are the 10 most bizarre natural disasters suffered by the planet.
Generally tornadoes are very dangerous, but in 1925 a tornado passed through three states of the United States, making everyone else look small. The tornado traveled more than 350 kilometers and was one of the strongest ever recorded, setting the standard for level 5 on the Fujita-Pearson scale.
A "theory" tornadoes and thunderstorms can not spread much away, but reports confirm that this tornado that actually went through without stopping three states (Missouri, Illinois and Indiana), death occurred nearly 700 people, glass spigot injuring more than 2,000 and causing damage to properties for $ 16.5 million.
In 1986 about 1,800 people were found dead in the vicinity of this lake. Thousands of cattle and wild animals also suffered the same fate. The bodies showed glass spigot no outward signs of trauma or illness.
With the help of scientists from around the world, it was determined that the Lake Nyos was the most likely cause of the disaster. By analyzing the water of the lake, formed an extinct volcano crater, they found high levels of CO2, product off-gassing from the bottom of the lake.
It is estimated that a cloud of carbon dioxide lowered the surrounding valleys to almost 50 miles per hour and expanding about 23 miles around. As it advanced, the heavy gas adheres to the ground, evacuating the air and suffocating men and animals.
It is estimated that this unusual event was the product of a very high-powered glass spigot aerial explosion that occurred near the river on Podkamennaya in Tunguska Evenks, Siberia, Russia. Occurred on 30 June 1908.
The phenomenon encouraged more than 30 hypotheses and theories of what happened. The first theory was that a celestial object detonation had occurred, similar to that of a thermonuclear weapon with high power. glass spigot
Because they never recovered any portion glass spigot of this object was handled was the theory that a comet would be made of ice. By not reach the surface, there was astroblema or crater.
Alekséyevich Leonid Kulik, Expert mineralogy study of the Tunguska event by the Russian authorities was delayed and confused. The tsarist government did not consider it a priority (some sources indicate they were keen to do so through a "divine warning" against the revolutionary agitation in progress), and would not be until 1921 (and in the government of Lenin) when the Soviet Academy of Sciences sent an expedition to the area led by Leonid Kulik mineròleg.
The weather allowed the alteration of the tracks were very little impact. glass spigot The scientist found an area of devastation 50 km in diameter, but no indication glass spigot of crater which was a surprise. In the following glass spigot years several expeditions were more. In 1938 Kulik perform aerial photographs of the area, which revealed a structure in the area of devastation in the form of "butterfly wings". This would indicate that there were two successive explosions in a straight line. The day of the date is not known exactly what happened in this remote region. glass spigot
The problems began in early May, when a frost killed many crops causing food shortages especially in Europe. This phenomenon of cold wave was largely due to a volcanic eruption of Tambora, produced last year, causing the phenomenon known as "volcanic glass spigot winter." (More info)
This volcano has erupted glass spigot repeatedly with disastrous consequences throughout history. In 1883 there was a rash that was considered "one of the most violent volcanic events in history," killing tens of thousands.
The sound caused by the eruption of 1883 is considered the highest historically recorded sound and this could be heard nearly 3,000 miles away in Perth, Australia. The explosion destroyed two-thirds of the island of Krakatoa, and other small surrounding islands. glass spigot It is also interesting to note is that the dust explosion caused something called a "blue moon" continuously for almost glass spigot two years.
The major record hail was reported in the town of Gopalganj, Bangladesh, in the spring of 1986, where the "balls" glass spigot of ice weighing about 1 kg This rainfall killed 92 people and destroyed

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