Saturday, September 20, 2014

Every Monday evening

Happy holidays! | Siggi in Africa
Its been far too long since I wrote anything on the blog recently. There are several reasons for it and include that in Woitó never use the internet anglers pub teddington because it is so expensive to use gervihnattarsímann and he is the only routing option. I came back to Addis 21.nóv but I had enough to do since, among other things, to follow Joel School of Bingham in Dogon live and when I've been on vacation, I've been nothing but Christmas and other revolutions. It is in many ways good to come in between that I've samskypti with more people and Addis has a lot of interesting things to offer.
23.nóv I took part in the Great Ethiopian Run in Addis here which was 10km runs great atmosphere and lots of people! .. Participation cost 40 birr (then got one þáttökunarbol) and those who were unable to afford it were tops free.
I Woitó failed rainy season the people who owned the product from September November To be able to get crops need more rain than that and a longer period. It has only rained a few days and only a little at a time without a day that marked evaluated 67,3mm. anglers pub teddington The only day I'm wearing my sweater Woitó! But unfortunately it was not enough! Although it ran small streams throughout the mission station on the day they were all gone by the afternoon of the sand Woito swallowed everything. There is much sand in our little village in Gismar Woitódalnum, south Omo. With few words, I can describe the environment in Gismar like sand, dust, heat, dryness, cacti, lizards, ants, goats, chickens, beautiful mountains, the boy above, curious people and more .. rather quiet and primitive life! :)
I feel comfortable in Gismar! .. I live in a house that is skypt into two halves. anglers pub teddington In the other half lives Girman anglers pub teddington site manager and the other half I live. He has a kitchen, a small living room and outdoor terrace and I have a small corridor, two rooms and a shower room. Útikamarinn between this house and the house of Helga Vilborg, Christian and his family live. I eat all meals with them, and with them most of the day. I start the day to go for breakfast anglers pub teddington and then I'm with David and Sarah Dagbjart Eli first three instructional time when Helga Helga Margret Vilborg teaches and Joel in Woítóskólanum. She teaches them math, Icelandic, English and music and I teach them Norwegian, social studies, geography and myndmennt.
These first three hours of the morning as Helga teaches Vilborg I have used most of the hiking Gismar David Omar in the stroller. Dagbjartur Eli has had some time to adjust to his new environment and that is why he has not wanted to come in on a daily basis, he has been in woitóskólanum with Helga Vilborg.
The people of the village laughing and pointing at this time white woman with little boy in "car"!? (Rover) walk and not have any complaint .. just walk. I really enjoy talking only to the people of the village and the beginning of "winter" I took with me a little skrifbók and pens every day and try to learn new words in samako (language ethnic Tsemaí in Woito number). Lately though, I've become much more fair and do not take writing a book as often. I have to use those little amharískukunnáttu I have to have learned anything in samako. David Omar is learning to talk and occasionally by villagers. He notes goats and says "ticket": goat on samako.
Twice a week is Fantae, a girl the same age and I (she still does not know exact age himself), from Jinks and works in sjúkraskýlinu the mission station to me and teach me Amharic. On the few times that she teaches me are very dear to me. She is good at working in sjúkraskýlinu during the day and amharískukennslan aukainntekt is tiny for her. She does almost anglers pub teddington no English and therefore I must learn that we can chat.
I sometimes get to bring in coffee for her guy above when she is on vacation and she begins by Rystr coffee beans, then grind them, then boil her coffee and spill it to the final punch and offers pop corn for snacks. It's very cozy in the straw hut of hers that she has decorated with different knitted fabrics in bright colors.
Woitóskólanum similar kl.12 and afternoons, I sometimes take short hikes, föndrað or bake with Margret Helga and Joel .. There is no date as to Fynn different things to do but everything takes much more time than Gismar I'm used to out of the heat.
Every Monday evening's meditation anglers pub teddington apart from strákofonum. I have shrunk some evening and I Fynn it be the highlight of life in Woitó! I do not usually more than a few a few words than to sit together in the kolniðamyrkri star bright anglers pub teddington sky united with his brothers and sisters and sing and praise God that Fynn me be absolutely great! Meditation is usually the samako but sometimes it is translated into Amharic and then I have ever achieved the context. anglers pub teddington It is pretty much a Fantae

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