Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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In Catalonia there are 250 people suffering from PKU. It is a rare metabolic disease, very little known, which forces them to take a vegetarian diet with Spartan discipline: they can not eat anything that takes protein. Neither meat nor fish or eggs or vegetables. If caught early, patients can make a relatively normal life. BE Catalonia ends up making a story sound clicking this link you'll find on the website of the radio station.
The PKU, the short name known with Phenylketonuria is a disease that can be detected with the test is that the heel newborns 48 hours after birth. It is a hereditary condition. Children who suffer can not normally metabolize proteins and transformed into a kind of neurotoxic venom that causes significant cold store health problems while developing brain. cold store A diet based on vegetables, fruits and special food and protein without strict medical control, neutralize their effects. If not detected early, however, the consequences are dramatic, according to the head of the neurology service at the Hospital cold store San Juan de Dios, James Campistol "If detected early, the development is excellent. The patient is dieting, but the trend is excellent. We follow young people who were already in college and we have found. Rather we are following cases of children who, for whatever reason, have not been diagnosed in time. Maybe in their country of origin were not done there metabolic screening, for example. These children now have mental retardation, autistic features, epilepsy ... And at this age is very difficult disease to treat them. "
Phenylketonuria know well in Joanjo and Gemma, parents of a girl called Julia. The proof of the heel that made his daughter 6 years ago revealed that he had played backyard PKU. That day began a treatment for life. The small, however, this does not pose any problem as his father explains: "When you get the news, you have to rethink everything. Where did you take special meal. But children are born with a special awareness. They know what they can eat and what not. Although they are so small, it's funny because they give you a life lesson. "
Public cold store health funding some drugs are very expensive for families. An annual cold store treatment cost can average about $ 20,000. But there are extreme cases: there are patients who can spend 1,400 euros a week taking some pills that cost 21 euros each. Now, with cuts in Joanjo notes with concern that the news coming out of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health: "We are aware that there have been conflicts with pharmaceutical companies or pharmacies. This is a restless because the high cost that has to endure these treatments. Also ask yourself if the cost is real or if these industries here in one take excessive advantage. You look with some anxiety around what is happening, of course. "
The PKU is a rare disease that affects 680 people cold store in Spain. 2 of 5 patients are Catalans. On 18 January the San Juan de Dios Hospital has organized a meeting cold store with the families who live with this disease to explain the latest developments to treat it.
Posted by related Watering Ficus in the News Tagged: SER Catalonia, Ministry of Health, vegetarian diet, PKU, Hospital, James Campistol, Joanjo Bosk, Ministry of Health, PKU protein Post navigation
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