Illness is a very difficult topic. There seem to be many óskrifaðar social rules surrounding the illness, such as what can and what can not talk about, but it's all more complicated dynamic range and family patterns of illness in families. Around me, I've seen a pretty significant effect when it comes to defining what is "safe" in a sick family and I have often found it indicates that the attitude is such that the disease is "higher priority" than the emotional scale. But is this cut and cut? Of course not.
When one is ill in the family's rieber waterstation whole family sick. That's it. The pattern of life, when one person struggling with chronic illness, turns out to apply to everyday rieber waterstation items to be relevant to everyday items, items related diseases, and everyday items that you can not finish out of the condition. And a million other things.
The weak party draws most attention to himself, like at all. He is sick, he can not do this, not the other is afraid of this, this and so forth. rieber waterstation I know this, because I'm sick person in my relationship, and also grew up with other illnesses.
As a sick person I think I have tried to keep life going fairly well. I show up at work, housework, trying to exercise, eat healthy, attending chemotherapies, met with doctors, his child ... but all too often it is far back in the list of their relationship, rieber waterstation give your partner a little breakdance. Therefore he were burdened with all the same and I without being sick himself.
Sometimes we do not see things in exactly the same light. Me and him. Which is fine. But it requires a number of things in order to solve them. After all we are two people who are involved with the same symptoms but are completely seperate battle, really. We have perhaps sometimes too wrapped up our own battle and forget what the other person is also on the battlefield, just elsewhere.
From these thoughts I began to gather my information, such as one does when one is a generation techniques. I gúgglaði "chronic ally ill spouse" and read through countless spjallþærði where valiant spouse deals with the difficulties of being in contact with a sick individual. Also, I saw an article that would mean that about 75% of all relationships where one is ill end in divorce. Excellent.
Fundamental problem that I saw through this (very) unscientific rieber waterstation reading the disruption of balance. Spouses who were unable to cope with life as equals, but as a "caregiver" rieber waterstation and "patient" war perhaps more difficult to contact than those who tried to approach the problem from a non-discriminatory basis. Both are entitled to their own problems - problems the healthy spouse will be no less important, although disease spouse war with himself. Ergo, the disease does not prevail on the emotions than the valor. Just not at all.
But how on earth can you keep a balance in the relationship where the basic balance is so much at odds? When two people are so terribly different needs and wrestling? How to give and receive equally?
Maybe this could be a decent specification pattern in such a context: Both strive to take into account the feelings of the other. There are days where the disease entity will not be able to do much other than trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but then the disease should not require the valor to do anything other than to provide the sick room to rest. This disease should not remotely rieber waterstation what happens in the home. I have a really rieber waterstation hard with this. Really. But I'm learning. rieber waterstation Both strive to do a good days fun. This may sound silly - there is much else that comes before entertainment priority adulthood - but believe me, to have fun life is paramount. We, my husband can talk endlessly about home modifications, gardening, travel and evil, the American television and do some of the spegúlera in this together rieber waterstation and watch episodes, but we are still nothing like "our" interests so seen. It is perhaps something we could paella in. I am also a wanderlust almost "compulsive" stage and we are only back from some traveling but I'm starting planing next. Both strive to relax just the little things! Who cares though the laundry is not folded on, or a little bit of dust on the floor, or small dishes in the sink. I can fully grasp the "little" shit is not even human duglegust finalize after me, spouse of great troubles. Also collect a bit of unnecessary and stuff. I am, however, very difficult to handle a lot of crap, and I've rieber waterstation more often than not quite finish my cleaning of the apartment when I can not look at the laundry piles and rykhauga much longer rieber waterstation - and pay for it with a few days of illness as a result. This is the cue ball tricky to find, but I feel in myself that I wont energetic pace
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