Monday, September 29, 2014

The ability to modify plant and animal species schoonmaakplan by genetic engineering aroused hopes

Home Research Projects bat. Reproduction biology schoonmaakplan 2nd Bat 1 2 hereditary material of living organisms: molecular genetics 3 4 Evolution Hypotheses on the origin of life biology and geology 3rd ESO 1 The organization of the human body Bodies: The Exhibition 2. playback function 3 4 Nutrition and Infectious Diseases defense schoonmaakplan system of the body. 5 Relation Tutorial 6 Environment 3rd ESO
The ability to modify plant and animal species schoonmaakplan by genetic engineering aroused hopes in the field of health and nutrition, so was born the technique to create transgenic organisms or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). A transgenic organism is one that has grown out of a cell into which foreign genes have been introduced and has incorporated into its genome. VEGETABLE TRANSGENICS introduce a gene in a plant organism represents a more sezill in the case of a do animal organism. Gene can be introduced in a plant cell using bacteria with plasmids present in January Then from this cell, you can get a seedling grow originate in the adult plant gene weird incorporated in all cells. Transgenic schoonmaakplan plants originate transgenic seeds are used for new transgenic schoonmaakplan plants. Among the transgenic plants include: transgenic maize varieties that resist frost with the addition of a gene from a fish Arctic very cold hardy varieties that resist certain pests due to the incorporation of a gene from one species of pest resistant wheat varieties that resist certain herbicides due to the incorporation of a bacterial gene. GM varieties of wheat more nutritious and more resistant to pests and herbicides with the addition of certain genes in insects and bacteria. Transgenic varieties of tomatoes that ripen more slowly so overrides gene expression in ripening enter the same people but in reverse. Transgenic varieties of rice, soy potato, transgenic animals etc. .. The introduction of foreign genes in animals is done by the zygote microinjection of the gene, so that all the cells of the new individual bearing incorporated in January technique is more complex and requires in vitro fertilization. The most important applications have been carried out on fish that have external fertilization because it is easier to obtain and manipulation of gametes and the introduction of the gene in the zygote before the union of the two pronuclei, the egg and sperm; thus obtained transgenic embryos. With these techniques we have obtained: Tents fastest growing transgenic carry a gene for growth hormone that is sensitive to metal, so when you add zinc or other metal, diet growth is between 20 and 46% faster. Transgenic salmon better withstand low temperatures with the addition of a gene from one species to peel the Arctic. In mammals has been transgenic mice in which there is a mutation in the gene for growth hormone were later introduced the gene for rat growth hormone, this is achieved to produce 800 times more growth hormone than normal schoonmaakplan mice, being individuals with triple triple size and weight. But the most important application is the transfer of a gene causing schoonmaakplan human disease in mice with mice that achieved with the disease in which they can experience different schoonmaakplan treatment methods. Another schoonmaakplan area in which it works is that mammals excrete milk with a certain product (protein) is a drug normally difficult to achieve in the laboratory. To ensure that the gene product is expressed in the milk changes the gene promoter schoonmaakplan for a gene promoter lactoglobulin or casein, the two major proteins of milk. The gene strange easily expressed and its product will be milk because its promoter is recognized as casein or lactoglobulin. In this regard obtained: transgenic rats that carry milk protein (plasminogen activator) can dissolve trombres. The amount is 300 nanograms schoonmaakplan per liter. Transgenic sheep that produce their milk antihemofĂ­lic human factor IX used in the treatment of hemophilia. The amount is 5 micrograms per liter. Transgenic cows carrying a gene that inhibits creates

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