Friday, December 13, 2013

Indeed, kindergarten, in which we came, did not strike or wealth scale interiors. In appearance - t

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From kindergartens in Minsk (and throughout room cooler price in delhi the country), room cooler price in delhi things not so easy. Readers than once wrote to the editor that the group overcrowded, teachers room cooler price in delhi receive poverty wages, and children after a hike in the garden begin to behave worse. Nevertheless, there is an alternative state of reality. In Minsk officially registered six private kindergartens. We chose one of them to find out what parents are willing to pay 700 euros each month.
"Our kindergarten externally - unpresentable Soviet room cooler price in delhi structure - terry pragmatists seem poor, - immediately taken aback director of a private garden," Let's grow "Svetlana Kushlyanskaya. - But then the question arises: why do people room cooler price in delhi for 14 consecutive years their children to our garden? Because a good kindergarten - is the one who is engaged room cooler price in delhi in educating parents makes them experts in the education of excellent ... I do not know of such a case to a nice chair or table made baby smarter. I relate to your garden not as a business but as a contribution to a pedagogy. But pedagogy - it is very ruinous business. Easier to buy new furniture and a few cameras, rather than spending money each month on a giant staff and maintain lifestyle. The main thing that makes a person a child and that it constitutes - this way. "
Indeed, kindergarten, in which we came, did not strike or wealth scale interiors. In appearance - the usual garden. Is that with a combination lock on the door. And toy car parked at the entrance.
"Sanitation room cooler price in delhi center makes serious room cooler price in delhi demands on our menu. Twice a year we rent the caloric content of the sample. Generally, it is required to do all the private gardens. But it seems that only the ones we are doing this - says deputy director Elena Kravtsov. - Further, room cooler price in delhi in one day should room cooler price in delhi not be two identical meals. We always have a variety of daily salads, fruits and juices. It's room cooler price in delhi just like the Lord's Prayer. Sanitation center still requires mandatory implementation dairy standards. This means that you need along with afternoon tea or dinner to give dairy products or yogurt twice a week. And earlier Standards child in the garden had to drink a gallon of milk a day. Liter per day! That's impossible ... The difference between our garden from the public that we can make homemade bookmarks products. We bring no meat cutlet and real cutting and so on. Our exacting parents, know what they paid for. And no one will not tolerate a bad meal. However, it is neither black caviar, no red, no oysters or mussels on the menu we have not, because they do not pass on technology cards for preschool children. "
Total 55 students in kindergarten: 10 people room cooler price in delhi in the nursery room cooler price in delhi (from one year to eight months room cooler price in delhi to three years), 12 - in the middle (three to four years), 14 - in the older (from four to five and a half years), 17 - in the preparatory (from five to seven and a half years). C small wards involved 16 teachers and 12 of subject. Salary is higher than that of colleagues working room cooler price in delhi for the state - from 4 million to 7.5 million more people room cooler price in delhi in 10 states - is the wait staff.
Earlier, said the deputy director, the children in the garden was much more. But every year the parents' income significantly fall, and those who can afford to pay 35 euros per day (ie 700 per month) for the child, is not so much.
"The country has difficulties. Our parents are not as well off as before. Nevertheless, this does not stop literate parents. room cooler price in delhi There are families who give the last to walk in our garden. Because they know that if invest in preschool, more problems will not be ... 700-750 euros - this is the real cost of maintenance. This includes everything: rent, taxes, utilities, food, pay teachers ... We consider contexts of family life and happen to go to meet them, giving room cooler price in delhi discounts ", - assured Elena Kravtsov.
"Our major difference - it does not gloss and there is something incredible, and internal content. Parents bring to us the second, third and even fourth children. This is the best indicator. We are engaged in even the children of foreigners. For example, the Dutch footballer gave us his two sons remained ecstatic. I talked with him and his wife through an interpreter. Their children are beginning to understand our language. Pepi came when he was eight months old, he is now ten. During this time he began to walk. A general Maas already understands Russian speech. They quickly grasp. Luke son proud of his father-Croatian handball player. Ambassadorial children French, Latvians, Israelis go to us as needed, "- said the deputy director.
"Systematic training Reb

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