Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Asked about the appearance on the market of broadband services cookie jar cafe to MTS, Igor Sukach

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Company cookie jar cafe "Atlant Telecom" cookie jar cafe today announced a new line of network access tariffs on technology Ethernet. Changes have affected the speed of access to the content is peer to peer network, value packs and user focus IPTV. Existing tariffs will be translated in the category archives, the future can only connect to the new conditions.
"The new tariffs were designed so that they are as transparent cookie jar cafe and simple so that the subscriber is clearly seen that he gets for his money," - said Anton Bladik, Deputy Director of Private Clients.
According to the director of the company "Atlant Telecom" Igor Sukachev, subscriber growth slowed, so to attract new customers cookie jar cafe require proposals that look favorably against competitors, operators aim to retain existing customers by introducing new popular services.
According to a top-manager in Belarus to broadband connected about 3 million households, that is much more real users. Official statistics on this point, recent calculations carried out by the responsible agencies for a long time. Given the growth of the database grows and the "width" of the external channel: in 2011 it amounted cookie jar cafe to 200 gigabits, in 2012 - 350 gigabits, but in the current increased slightly, reaching 390 gigabits.
Responding to a question, can we expect in the near future appearance provider "honest" anlim for individuals, Igor Sukach pointed to a number of existing subtleties. "Y" Beltelekom ", for example, a limitation exists in the low speed. In "Shparkaga Damavika" internal logic other tariffs. In our case, high speed internet allows you to enjoy convenient, "- said Igor Sukach.
Traffic limit stop allows the emergence of so-called "collective users" when one subscriber "raises" server and "distributes" internet neighbors, said the head of the company. "Five of these subscribers can score the entire channel - Sukach said. - In addition, there are subscribers who aim to download the entire Internet. " He also stressed that the restriction on the traffic enters not the operator and the monopolist, who dictates the prices on the market.
Speaking of network deployment in smaller cities and towns, Igor Sukach noted that today it is impossible, as unprofitable commercial structures due to the pricing policy "Beltelekom." "The decision - cheap communication channels that will go to the regions without cookie jar cafe loss. Probably cookie jar cafe earn when "operator of operators" in the face of NCET, it becomes possible "- says Sukach.
Asked about the appearance on the market of broadband services cookie jar cafe to MTS, Igor Sukach expressed confidence that "Atlant Telecom" can successfully compete with the new player. As an example, he pointed to the difference in value at the same speed - 480 thousand MTS for 50 Mbit / s and 198 thousand in "Shparkaga Damavika." However, traffic restrictions in question still remained open.
Was also raised the problem of locking out users and search engines Google "Yandex". "There will be negotiated. We will find a solution to avoid a situation where because of one person who organizes DoS-attacks or uses a computer zavirusovannym blocked access for the entire segment. cookie jar cafe Maybe podedem to this user cure his computer, "- said a top manager. Implementation of the protocol IPv6, as noted Sukach occur no earlier than a year or two. "While the situation does not force the sooner we can not expect", - he said.
At a meeting with journalists representatives of "Atlant Telecom" pointed to the growing popularity of IPTV. Volumes view video provider's network is constantly growing, the number of users online television has increased from 20% of the subscriber cookie jar cafe base in the past year to 60% this year, said Igor Sukach.
Among the most popular were the rushes and children's channels cookie jar cafe (20%), "social package" demand 20-30% of subscribers, sports and music interest of 5%, about the same situation cookie jar cafe with the news and entertainment channels.
"Initially, we considered IPTV as an additional service, but then priorities have changed," - said Igor Sukach. The company cookie jar cafe intends to fill the most interesting service channels, to realize full interactivity. Relatively high price is due at the same audience, aimed at high-quality image, comfort and advanced features.
According to the company, in

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