Saturday, May 23, 2015

vot it vot it Zelma, there

Ask the reader: what happens Darzini?
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It is about stable "Darzini" Ķekavas parish - a shining example of one should not be a rental. Horses look bad, apathetic, weak. In winter, cover ribs lēkšķaina hair or are izspīlēti neveslīgi hay bellies, so even from a distance looks like a purely normal. Often, horses (including mares with foals) roam on the road, because the crawling out edible quest. Horse there is so much that summer pastures look at the golf course. Along the wall, who eat horses, freely walking around the chicken, but chicken manure known as a healthy horse does not include food rations.
The incorrect use of equipment - part of the horses at the slit sien striķapaušos (against any safety regulations), the muzzle bridle straps cold room for sale are too low, bridle imposed awry. These horses, who do not beztrenžu bridle, stands at the slit with trenžiemauktiem head, tied to a headstall, which is all the time left under the bridle. Some look to the saddle does not fit.
Zelma text on their websites "Наш образ жизни это любовь к лошадям, причем именно к лошадям, а не к верховой езде. Мы отказались от приёмов болевого воздействия при работе с лошадью - железа (трензелей, мундштуков cold room for sale и пр.) шпор, мартингалов и т.д. У нас не спортивная конюшня. Мы любим наших лошадей и не используем их как спортивные снаряды. " somehow do not go along with the pictures visible ...
Zelma vot it četrgadniekiem all leases have nothing to do. četrgadniekiem to work with a good rider a reasonable load while the horse is completely grows, develops and strengthens muscle, bones and joints. seated young horses for beginners who do not know how to sit properly, askew, etc. sits. and make orderly lease-time cold room for sale is a crime against the horse and his health. I think that if they want your horse to the foundations of good health throughout life, then in less than 6 years of age do not need to go biking. I'm cold room for sale not talking about some pavizināšanu steps once a week from which any huge evil not rise, but the daily work with beginners. lease course work in general is not recommended for the horse's health, but somehow people have to find a way to the horse and always have the choice of how to organize nature rent - treating the horse as a friend and a partner or as inventory.
vot it vot it Zelma, there's already this hook that put četrgadniekus lease is even very ok (some rental owners, a few stables cold room for sale hosts) .... četrgadnieki, piecgadnieki lease runs independently, holidays, working days of the day riding in two, holidays cold room for sale jeans over three and owners .. everything is ok, as long as the horse is health work when-will be unable to sell. Information from hear anything as seen ...
Insect very fact that the website is readable only in Russian language (press "Latvian" simply does not work, except replacement of the title) has led me to look at those establishments rather awry (I watched this site for some good time). Now there are some improvements and translated the "Service" texts (not very good, but still!) Latvian. Either way, such a presentation websites me, if I were the customer, it is sure to immediately deter, anything other than this body without even knowing - openings and front Cyrillic! But it is no time for it .. The video and photo talking .. Well, admit that if once again imagining myself absolutely nothing ignorant about the case (!) Instead of the lessee, I really like it! It is devoted full attention and everything is explained. For clarification quality can always argue - a variant "appropriate, but a complex lessee", the second - "to understand the tenant, cold room for sale but not quite appropriate" .. very subjectively assessed thing. Of course, I agree that the trot is a thing that generally no option should be offered to people who have a horse for the first / second / third (..) once in their lifetime! cold room for sale (But in general, and by the way, to say that not all leases (where buts and see) customers it tells and explains, also for the same trot - in my opinion, even pretty good - just not the first equestrian times ..) Of course, the inventory .. in the eyes of the most decline in capital capsule low / extremely large headstall, which is likely to make it difficult breathing, causing significant discomfort and is quite elementary basic issue. After pictures judging and general cold room for sale conditions are not really favorable, but once again - subjectively cold room for sale evaluated. My subjective - summary view after the visible and of the information (not seeing anything in life!): Yes, it is urgent improvements are needed to use the inventory, general conditions, and horse care (after wool judging) such amendments might be necessary, labor tactics with customers (as much as of a tool for the "use"), in the end, also think about elementary precautions - no helmets, horse and tying behavior is quite wrong, besides it can be seen that all the stands in the saddle back, which is also, as we know, there is nothing to correct horse (hopefully, at least i vēderjostas

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