Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Everything fully agree! Only for rīcīcību After-doc. 409 and 410 Simply put-Latvian authorities unu

Prove that the Latvian language has a greater economic value than the two world languages - Russian and English, it is difficult, if handled deliberately and demagogic, as does the article URLs author, omitting the fact that it is a Latvia where the Latvian language be predominant and unquestionable economic value, is the norm! Latvian geographical situation, integration into the Euro pean Union and an open economy makes it necessary to manage multiple languages, but above all the national language. unusual food The most powerful and truthful argument is that the Latvian language is a spiritual and moral values that can not be offset by any secondary material benefits and economic benefits minute. But Latvian built up over centuries unusual food of spiritual values can neither accept nor appreciate folk with the Soviets occupying morally appropriate - amorality that infiltration leadership positions and do everything to prevent the cover and protect the letter of the law. Morality works when it is at all - when it is taught from childhood and school time, with the help of an educated public life strengthened. But the period of occupation by the Soviets in schools it was unimaginable, and then nekulturālība and ignorance that prevailed collapsed absolute majority of the occupiers and the subsequent generations civilokupantu sister, has not disappeared, and this amorālību today supports and even maintains a vast alien occupying public. It is distorts environment which reproduces kravcovus and his eligible SC "cilvēktiesībnieces" e. A. Krivtsov.
Abnormal and destructive taxes are the same, we place a government, ministries still ongoing squandering police murder and looting, all lifted prices - fuel, food, electricity and so on. and promises to bring even more! But all Latvian as asleep or reconciled with the ongoing craziness, as the Kremlin emissaries and their slaves unusual food deftly busy! About our main affliction - this strange giant helter-skelter, which is still there and is undoubtedly irregular migrants in the world's eyes - for it does not beep.
But no one managing authority and that the so-called "right-wing" unusual food party does not do anything. What would each nationally patriotic force of the first basic task of defending their people the right to an independent and alien invaders and their descendants finally neokupētu and free country!
Photo: Russian fascists with Oispov and Kravcovu foreground. And now watch and wonder: "Elizabeth A. Krivtsov, a lawyer, human rights defender, SC" !!!! Would not it be more appropriate to say: "Elizabeth A. Krivtsov, Russian fascist defender." As can be seen, then shit manure defends! unusual food The question is "planting" as follows: On what legal ground on A. Krivtsov you and your defensible Kravcovs, unusual food are in Latvian? Your place is rašā- habits. This is determined by international law !!! And they (the Laws) will soon be occupying īstenoti- you disgusting vermin.
Hypocritical Kremlin ruling clique pakalpiņu vervelē integration (we absolutely unnecessary and illegal in nature), of all the Saeima committees discussing, arguing, unusual food with the exception of the true root of evil - on neizbraukušajiem civilokupantiem by "legal"
representing the government in the Kremlin established pretlatviska Party (comes not so much about civilokupantu mass as this handful of open and impunity Kremlin lackey of the Soviet settlers as rams are able to manage and propel how and where they want, as well as to inculcate anything Kremlin ievajagas)! The recent, already mentioned event with infinitely brazen SC Members raised kravcovu unusual food - Latvian language and human moral illiterates - is so absurd, so offensive to our nation unusual food and state representatives that even lack words to discuss! All in all it is absurd !!! We have no independent newspapers, no independent TV, no independent courts and the prosecutor's office unusual food is not a Latvian police and a Latvian DP and SAAB. Not even "independent" Internet privātportāls Delphi without censorship?! On a national development objective and long-term izbazūnēto analysis may be talking about? But it would be troublesome korumpantu clique if it were raised in the public shattering facts in all the country and sectors of the economy! And back to the public trough slowly climbs LC, TP, LPP / PLL dead, again a protruding TV screens and 'objective' singing, but we all still tacitly! SOMETHING authorities and powers in our hands, if we are active and uniform!
Everything fully agree! Only for rīcīcību After-doc. 409 and 410 Simply put-Latvian authorities unusual food should be the top international unusual food crimes unusual food investigation and punishment of the perpetrators REAL! Latvian Rescue Commission.
All muld that kravcovs not speak Latvian, but as if it were at the citizenship document no one would dare to ask. The Tribunal is the first to talk about it. Or the Tribunal should not "matter" to ask the Supreme unusual food Court?
There was one moment when I tried to teach the Latvian language Purvciema Russian Gymnasium. There's one krievēns before latv. val. plivināja examination certificate for the national currency. unusual food knowledge and wondered cri

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