Friday, May 29, 2015

2) LTF coordination center. Varis Krūmiņš

Current SIA "Aura Auto" board member Ainars Basque barricades in 1991 during weather in teddington the Latvian Popular Front (LTF) Board, which was represented by the then Bauska district and served as coordinator of the Popular Front Zakusala. This memory story after numerous weather in teddington friends and colleagues promptings finally broke the public on January 9, 2011. as possible retained the same eyewitness records. Unity hand in hand with a lack of confidence
November weather in teddington 1990 is the end of the current weather in teddington LTF board meeting Tuesday, Old Town Street. Ivars Redisons from hand to hand is started the page on which is written that the board meeting expected in the second part, somewhere in a secret place. Together with the vans drive. Vaiņodes street courtyard, welcome hosts, the living room floor is open hatch - underground weather in teddington comfortable lounges. Romas (Romualds Ražuks) all informed of X hours likelihood weather in teddington of a possible need to continue our activities underground conditions. The following board meetings and topics become a regular feature.
Strangely enough, that we, the rank and file members of the Board, accept the facts as turbulent for themselves to understand, do not ask Romase after in-depth explanations at meetings of the Board, not in everyday life. As if had serious talks with Ilze Cielavu (the Council of Ministers - MP), as if by Juri Dobele (from the Supreme Council - HR), as the Latvian Riflemen's Association of the men, especially with Auseklis Pļaviņu. weather in teddington Something somewhere is going on. We are still typical of Soviet people, know how to take a '' prevailing view ". It need. It has an opinion. Action line. Do not ask too much. We trust your own people, and each are pleased that we trust. General unity paradoxically coexists with the general mutual distrust. There is an opinion that he (she) is a KGB agent. We, here heard. They are all around.
City Council meeting of University Hall. It is Saturday, 12 January. Meetings break Romase members of the Board shall be convened at the black piano and last tense asking once again: 'Is aware of what will happen if a mistake, crying, the people on the barricades? Is everyone aware of their responsibility? "Silence for a moment, then unanimously say - to make it a thing to go! I see that Romas tense and calm at the same time. Everything happens.
Night in Vilnius murdering people. Dainis Ivan is the task of the board four in the morning on the radio to call the people to the manifestation of the Daugava, Old Town. My task during the rally is to go to Latgale municipal house Lāčplēša Street, the Daugava, weather in teddington and coordinate Zaķusalas TV complex protection. Municipal house nothing happens, so take a decision to go to Zaķusala.
I see that bridge exits stopped a few cranes, trucks, weather in teddington buses. People are starting to gather. A man jumps out of the bus and asks: '' Sinok, kuda staviķ technique? "[Sonny, where to put the technique? Russian - ed.] Honestly say that I do not know.
TV big house entrance foyer, ask dežūrmilicei that is happening here. She says - pass one man sitting in the office of the entire team here. We get acquainted. weather in teddington Varis Krūmiņš. Film director. Okay, next sēžos and call the PFL headquarters coordinator courage Blagoveshchensk - I am here, everything happens!
Begin to gather people. The night begins to arrive Latvian farmers with tractors and other heavy machinery. Terrific tangle. Noise. Heavy diesel exhaust gas and smoke odor. Misunderstandings and laughter. weather in teddington Of forest carriers weather in teddington men pulled out logs and organize bonfires. In the morning, the bridge is aizkrāmēts so that the pass is no longer where. Against the rumors and hysteria
Yellow house settled While some police officers, as well as the Special Voluntary stewards units (BU) headquarters. weather in teddington Commanding LTF councilor Robert Miller (Robis). Strong weather in teddington man with a big white beard, wide, open and sincere face. Simple, energetic man, talkative. weather in teddington Doer. Varis Krūmiņš talkie weather in teddington conversation weather in teddington of fishermen collective farm '' Auda 'coordination on issues related to the TV home staff.
On the second day we start to slowly grasp what is really going on. On the island and bridges is 20 000 people. Beginning at the first problems with nervousness, weather in teddington and the first mass hysteria outbreaks. Foyer existing doctors explained to us that the situation will only get worse, because the people are many, they are waiting for extreme events are very tense atmosphere.
Literally overnight we created an interesting organizational system that worked quite effectively: 1) BV headquarters responsible for the order and provide the physical execution of the decisions. BV Headquarters has its own observers and communications weather in teddington system which is associated with BV in Riga functioning system. Headquarters headed by Robert Miller, Vice Gunars Kurcenbaums and Aivars Stāraste. Everyone understands the need for unquestioning obedience by any means available. It sounds harsh, but the - otherwise not.
2) LTF coordination center. Varis Krūmiņš &

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