Sunday, May 24, 2015

resurrection Barberini Cadokīdi Pig tithe eunuchs hell Essen Genesis 1 Gerizima mountain Habakkuk Y

Blogs are designed for all-minded people who are interested in the Old Testament. Since my business cooroom is linked to the Old Testament, occasionally I will share with what interests cooroom me, or - if there is cleverly questions, cooroom try to answer them.
Let's think first about the importance and usefulness of the pig as compared to other pets. Pig gives only meat (but nothing more), cooroom this was considered a special luxury animals. Top assessed cooroom those animals who were otherwise helpful. Lev 11: 3,26 as a reason for the prohibition mentioned the fact that the pigs have been ruminant.
Ruminants are oxen, sheep, goats, which are considered to be pure. They belong to the herbivores, which it feeds (green, fresh grass, straw, tree leaves) high cellulose parts is suitable. People these products even after long cooking is nebaudāmi. Pig eats the same things eat people, so in contrast to ruminants pigs are competitors on the same people to feed. Pigs do not give no milk nor wool (sheep, goats), pigs can not use plowing (the bulls). Pigs are less tolerant of heat, they need water and mud to cool off and vārtītos if it does not, then do it in the manure, cooroom which makes it an abomination. No wonder that Levante mountainous areas pig was rather rare.
Pork ban is mentioned DTN 14: 8 and Lev 11: 7th This taboo age is not clear. It is known that the Philistines tumor pigs, at least in the first phase of their arrival (Philistines were ancient cooroom Israeli economic and political competitors, of which the latter sought to distance themselves different). While the Philistines took pork consumption, early Iron Age kalnaināko area residents knew little pigs (judging by the archaeological evidence). Also in the Hellenistic period, a Palestinian non-Jews cities pork was usual food, but the Jewish settlements it is not certified.
In ancient Egypt the various lists in pig referred to as the lowest endpoint cooroom pet; the swineherd were the only Egyptians who could not attend the temple. Later pig was associated, together with Setu, who liked the taste of pork. Egyptian priests not allowed to eat pork, but some late period cults practiced sacrifice pigs and eating pork. Overall, the Levant cooroom never sacrifice pigs had a greater importance in several religions, cooroom it was not. Judah latest period with pēctrimdas eating pork ban could be consistently implemented because Judaism in exile, the Persian and Hellenistic time developed strong cult of chastity consciousness (for example, it is well illustrated by Ezekiel 40-48, Priesterteksts), cooroom which range from the temple further spread (or it forward ) to emerging spheres of life. Aggravate relations with other nations and consistent observance of the prohibition of eating could take such an overall development consequences that resulted in writing formulated prohibition.
However, always were people cooroom who could afford to grow pigs. Not only archeology but also OT texts (these texts argue for pork consumption cooroom - Isaiah 65: 4, 66: 3.17), indirectly confirms that those who are less followed the commandments, they gladly held (Luke 8:32, 15: 15-16) or the fact that the pig was used to speak (Prov 11:22). As already cooroom mentioned, starting with pēctrimdas Jerusalem cult community ban on pig nevertheless became widespread. It became so blatant Jewish distinctive sign that the Greek and Roman historians always described negatively as a special isolation characteristic. It is therefore not surprising Antiochus IV Epifani reign around 167.gpmē. Jerusalem's religious reforms to force the King to express loyalty cooroom Seleukīdu. Jerusalem temple complex was erected an altar on which to sacrifice pigs (Dan 11: 31-33, 1 Mak 1: 54-59). At the latest by Makabeju refusal to eat pork and the subsequent death of the martyrs (1 Mak 1:63, 2 Mak 6:18, 7: 1) pork taboo in Judaism became an integral part of their identity characteristic.
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resurrection Barberini Cadokīdi Pig tithe eunuchs hell Essen Genesis 1 Gerizima mountain Habakkuk Yahweh cult centralization javne Synod Jašara book Josiah reform ministry cooroom canon Qumran Levites minimalist dead Nehuštans Dead Sea manuscripts priests prostitution posthumous cooroom creation Samaritans sela Septuagint women Temple roll TUMMO Urim valdniecība Old Testament priest Zerubbabel Seol purgatory

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