Sunday, April 26, 2015

1.99 yuan on the train home, as another clue appears in several books to read a collection publishe

book story began in the early 20th century until the mid-21 century, spanning centuries.
Roberto Bolaño (Roberto Bolaño, 1953-2003) a jug of wine was born in Chile, his father was a truck driver and amateur boxer, his mother a professor of mathematics and statistics at the school. In 1968 the family moved to Mexico. 1973 Bolaño return to Chile to join the socialist revolution has been arrested and was almost killed. After he and his friends fled to Mexico to promote the integration of Surrealism, Dadaism and street theater "reality following doctrine" (Infrarealism) movement, intent to inspire young people in Latin America live and love of literature. In 1977 he traveled to Europe, and finally settled in Spain, married Bo Lawa coast. 2003 because of liver function damage, can not wait for an organ transplant and died in Barcelona, only five years old.
Roberto Bolaño a jug of wine (Roberto Bolaño, 1953-2003) was born in Chile, his father was a truck driver and amateur boxer, his mother a jug of wine a professor of mathematics and statistics at the school. In 1968 the family moved to Mexico. 1973 Bolaño return to Chile to join the socialist revolution has been arrested and was almost killed. After he and his friends fled to Mexico to promote the integration of Surrealism, Dadaism and street theater "reality following doctrine" (Infrarealism) movement, intent to inspire young people in Latin America live and love of literature. In 1977 he traveled to Europe, and finally settled in Spain, married Bo Lawa coast. 2003 because of liver function damage, can not wait for an organ transplant and died in Barcelona, only five years old.
Bolaño four-year-old a jug of wine began to write fiction, but it is amazing the number of works, leaving behind ten novels, four collections of short stories and three books of poetry. Stir in 1998 published "wilderness detective" in Latin literary caused no less than "Hundred Years of Solitude" grand published thirty years ago when. And behind the publication of its "2666" is triggered overwhelming public acclaim in Europe and America, are extended masterpiece, great, landmark, etc. praise genius. Susan Sontag, a jug of wine John Banville, Colm Tobin, Stephen King, and many other writers a jug of wine Bolaño praised Canada, more comments that since the publication of the book with the author to Sevan Atlantis, Stern, Melville, Proust, a jug of wine Musil and Pynchon's the same queue. Table of Contents
Door Di Luse family Ed Thompson Mira de Juan Di Luse door door door Di Luse Thompson Ruth Thompson variable Di Luse heroes or say fragile mirror Ignacio Otto 苏维塔赫苏 Adams Fernandez - People Gomez pioneer and opposition Enlightenment Matteo Aguirre this 戈埃切阿希 Er Weiao Salvatierra Quantico Luis Fonte that Da 索萨埃内斯托 Perez Masson cursed poet Pedro Gonzalez 卡雷拉安德 Andrés Cepeda Cepeda, nicknamed "noble knight" There Ms. learning and female traveler Irma Callas Kodak Ni Aila de Montecristo a jug of wine two Germans a jug of wine in the horizon Willi Franz 茨威 test Shure Holtz illusion, science fiction JMS Zach Hill Sok Dunstan Gustavo Borda sorcerer, a jug of wine day laborers, the poor Segundo Jose Heredia Di Yaya horses 埃维亚哈里 库托卡洛斯 Sibelius Thousand Faces Max 米雷巴莱斯 Max 米雷巴莱斯, do Mingmakesi a jug of wine Casimir, Max von Hauptman, Max Le Spangler, Jacques Aarti asked American poet Jim Boni Obama Lennon Rory Langyalian Brotherhood Thomas R. Murchison, nicknamed "Texas" and John Lee Brook's legendary Schiaffino brothers Italo Schiaffino Aachen Tino Schiaffino, a jug of wine nicknamed "oil balls," Ramirez Hoffman, shameless a jug of wine Carlos a jug of wine Ramirez Hoffman dedicate their Postscript 1. Some of the devil figure 2. Some publishers, magazines, local ...... 3. Some works (away) "Nazi Literature in the Americas," probation
Max 米雷巴莱斯, do Mingmakesi Casimir, Max Hauptmann von Max Le Grenoble, Jacques Aarti Boniface asked Max Mirebalais, a jug of wine alias Max Kasimir, Max von Hauptman, Max Le Gueule, a jug of wine J a cques Artibonito (1941 born in Port au Prince, Les Cayes and died in 1998), he may be called Max 米雷巴莱斯, but his real name not known. How he entered the literary world is a secret: Suddenly one day, he appeared in a newspaper editor .. Thousand Faces Max 米雷巴莱斯 pioneer and oppose a jug of wine the Enlightenment people
1.99 yuan on the train home, as another clue appears in several books to read a collection published in the "Weekly" (July 19, 2014) Roberto Bolaño's "American Nazi literature "is full of high-level joke imagination: it describes the 32 extreme right-wing writer (or obvious, or implicitly pro-Nazi) life, there are up to 42 index (including" Some People, a jug of wine "" Some publishers , magazines, local "and" some work "), in form like the writer of a dictionary or encyclopedia volumes; however, all is Bolaño's fiction, in fact, the whole book is a - as Bor Hess in "Villains Biography" 1954 edition described in the preamble - "minimal ......
by Gu Lili in my impression, Roberto Bolaño have de facto dual identity: novelist and revolutionaries. As a novelist, he was loyal to his ideals; as a revolutionary, he has a deep-seated hatred a jug of wine for the world of evil. Thus, to denounce a jug of wine all sorts of evil world, tracing the root of evil, he also became the only proposition writing. For example, "2666" is for us a picture about the evils of Ukiyo-e. But in fact, this is not the whim of his later, early in the debut of "Nazi Literature in the Americas" (hereinafter referred to as "America"), everything has been revealed clues. "America" with a rich imagination, sarcasm ...... (3 responses)
"Why is China so nobody Bolaño become exiles ah?" "Because Spanish-speaking region, ah, do you want to go into exile in Singapore?" "My consciousness is out after writing ...... Kitajima did not grow well ... "This is a friend saw" Nazi Literature in the Americas tucao "later. And I still did not see "2666" did not see "wilderness detective," and even "amulet" This short book is not yet see, it is reasonable to say here is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks on Bolaño because a friend of mine about two years really read several times over and over again, "2666" and then going to write a forty ......
When the decision to publish "American Nazi Literature", the boss 阿纳格拉玛 (Anagrama) Press Elad Jorge (Jorge Herralde) found that he could not find the author of the novel Bolaño. Later Bolaño's reputation has grown, when it is too poor, so not by telephone. For a sum of money, he had sold a novel small publishing house. This novel, a jug of wine published in 1996 sales was not good, and soon disappeared in the market. Fortunately Elad finally found Bolaño, starting in 1996, extended to 2003 after the writer's death, he published, including "Wild Detective" and "2666" ......
"Read medicine" Section 127: Nazi Literature in the Americas - Bolaño's "literary book of ghosts" special address: a jug of wine http: // text / Zhang Jin Phoenix reading Channel "read medicine" magazine exclusive feature, without authorization, please do not reprint. Bolaño experienced a dissolute youth, in the works cast a shadow of sex, drugs and violence, it is considered "bad boy." His picture on curly hair, wearing glasses, eyebrows write, emaciated and melancholy. In the "Nazi Literature in the Americas," the final chapter, the fictional Bolaño anger ......
...... A: When did you discover Roberto Bolaño's? B: early, and then I early twenties, the domestic a jug of wine system has begun publishing his complete works. At first I was "2666" praise and thickness scared, when I read the book in one breath basically completed. So, I first read some "little book." Short story collection "Last Night on Earth" is the first one, this is a wonderful collection, technology is good, but because I was a little much prefer "effort" novels, so Bolaño This is also very good for good, but I have some reservations, and did not like all of a sudden. ...... (6 responses)
I thought this is a biography of the American Nazi writers write hasty life. If "2666" is the reader to watch five different actors each play a one-man show, until they finally found five people are acting on the same stage to show you. Then, in the "Nazi Literature in the Americas", the Bolaño skillfully deflected, carrying the whole American literary scene, on the mountain. Bolaño so quietly, without emotion to one another writer's life, moved to their lives playing on stage, followed by the death of their understatement place out of the fact that the tip gently sweep them out stage, like ......
People who do not understand Latin American literature, it's a jug of wine easy to Bolaño's "Nazi Literature in the Americas" is a literary celebrity as a dictionary, or writing a novel written by a non-fiction prose. But with all kinds of weird stories, wonderful poet's debut, and slowly found the book writers a jug of wine rarely lived fifties, most violent death, many suspected a jug of wine homicide kidnapping, spent time in prison, participated in the coup, in short, all kinds of do not fly, all kinds of ups and downs, back and forth. So, initially believed readers began to suspect the truth of it all. The name of each of the following writers have birth and death, died in 2017 when such occurs slowly ......
Facts have proved that, if the writer which is holding up the media, especially a jug of wine to be known as the greatest writers of the 20th century, by the way his life has experienced a little bit of mystery and legendary, that his book does not sell is not possible, a jug of wine the price is not sudden chug up and rub it is impossible, but most pull, he was really like, like cattle propaganda. Amazon handle a bit of multi-residue 2 "Nazi a jug of wine Literature in the Americas" to the door, my heart is in the blood, this small and thin book asking price $ 45, although there is a discount website but still expensive, Cock wire to the current income is simply cut my meat. More of a how to do it? Give it away ......
by Gu Lili in my impression, Roberto Bolaño have de facto dual identity: novelist and revolutionaries. As a novelist, he was loyal to his ideals; as a revolutionary, he has a deep-seated hatred for the world of evil. Thus, to denounce all sorts of evil world, tracing the root of evil, he also became the only proposition writing. For example, "2666" is for us a picture about the evils of Ukiyo-e. But in fact, this is not the whim of his later, early in the debut of "Nazi Literature in the Americas" (hereinafter referred to as "America"), everything has been revealed clues. "America" with a rich imagination, sarcasm a jug of wine ...... (3 responses) a jug of wine
When the decision to publish "American Nazi Literature", the boss 阿纳格拉玛 (Anagrama) Press Elad Jorge (Jorge Herralde) found that he could not find the author of the novel Bolaño. Later Bolaño's reputation has grown, when it is too poor, so not by telephone. For a sum of money, he had sold a novel small publishing house. This novel, published in 1996 sales was not good, and soon disappeared in the market. Fortunately Elad finally found Bolaño, starting in 1996, extended a jug of wine to 2003 after the writer's death, he published, including "Wild Detective" and "2666" ......
To the rest of his life by "Panorama" magazines live, and work in the radio station. Occasionally doing to the newspaper proofreading. a jug of wine At first, he admired his side some people who claim to be "noble knight a jug of wine group," Over time, this handful of people will gradually dispersed. In 1982 he returned to A Leiji afraid, opened a small fruit store. 1986 spring, sudden a jug of wine death due to cerebral hemorrhage.
In response 2015-04-26 02:04
Cuando el río es lento y se cuenta con una buena bicicleta o caballo si es posible bañarse dos (y hasta tres, de acuerdo con las necesidades higiénicas de cada quien) veces en el mismo río. -Augusto a jug of wine Monterroso
Cuando el río es lento y se cuenta con una buena bicicleta o caballo si es posible bañarse dos (y hasta tres, de acuerdo con las necesidades higiénicas de cada quien) veces en el mismo río. -Augusto Monterroso
* 29 she will make some incredible suggestions: two away from Argentina, Brazil or fled to Paris. This program attracted Claudia laughed, laughter without malice, perhaps a jug of wine a little sad Bale. * 103 cards he can play without fear of any kind of crashing failure: his earliest poems have a kind of sui generis and adhere to

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