Sunday, April 19, 2015

1634 British first immigrants settled in Saint Marys, began colonization. 1774 British ship loaded

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Statewide half the land area belongs to the Atlantic Coastal Plain, southern sandy northern fertile land. Transatlantic Chesapeake Bay coastline of 3200 miles. Chesapeake Bay north to south and 320 km east-west width of 6-60 km, maximum depth of up to 105 meters, is a big wide and long drowned valley, stretching inland from south to north, the east and west into Maryland section. Bank of the James River and the river there is the Potomac River. Bay Head north, there Susquehanna teddington town River into. And there is a 30 km long canal, through direct northern teddington town Delaware Delaware River. teddington town Maryland is the name of the first wife of King Charles, Queen Mary's name.
1634 British first immigrants settled in Saint Marys, began colonization. 1774 British ship loaded with tea boat "Prudential Stewart" was burned Annapolis resident. 1775, Washington, teddington town Maryland troops north rates laid Maryland War of Independence reputation. Therefore, the state alias called "front of the state." In 1949, when the state celebrate "Faith Freedom Act" Three hundred teddington town anniversary, emphasizing the importance of this bill in the colonial time. Therefore, another alias of the state is "free state." April 28, 1788 became the seventh state. Annapolis, the state capital is located in the Chesapeake Bay, the West Bank, a small commercial teddington town port, population 30,000. In the state capital of North Baltimore, is the US East Coast port, but also the US seventh metropolitan teddington town population of more than 900,000, or about a quarter of the state's entire population. The port of New York from the US West Coast close, one by the Chesapeake Bay, and the other a canal may be reached by Maryland.
Maryland, Delaware, teddington town New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and other states and collectively, the "Mid-Atlantic teddington town 5 states," where only Pennsylvania no coast. Washington, DC, Maryland territory. North along the famous Mason - Dixon boundary junction and Pennsylvania; the southern most boundary across the Potomac River in Virginia and across; the north bank set aside a piece of the District of Columbia; on the east coast of the Chesapeake Bay, with the Northeast teddington town the south side of the Delaware and Virginia were part of the Delmarva teddington town Peninsula licensed; panhandle-shaped teddington town mountain west and West Virginia's eastern panhandle-shaped convergence. An area of 10,577 square miles, of which 6% is water, in the 50 states ranked 42.
Rich in natural resources, there is a lot of wood. 40% forest and woodland area of the state. Hardwood, mainly teddington town oak and hickory trees. teddington town Suitable for making furniture. Duo Songlin coastal plain. Mineral mainly coal, possession amounted to 400 million tons. Merry little in the Chesapeake Bay, shallow addition of sunshine, teddington town more plankton, with both sides to bring the injected water is very rich in organic matter, so the inner bay fish, crabs, clams, oysters not yield much, And delicious. Annual production capacity in the Gulf oysters in the 50 states listed first. The main crops are corn, chicken, apples, tomatoes, teddington town soybeans teddington town and tobacco. Foothills more beef cattle, teddington town dairy cattle and more near downtown. The state is famous for chicken. Western teddington town broad valley planted peach and apple trees. Many types of industry, food and beverage industry with the most important, there are primary financial products, food processing, transportation equipment, garment processing, electrical appliances. Baltimore aircraft plants, steel mills and shipyards. Services account for an important position in the economy. Maryland has many attractions. Annapolis city "State Council House" was built in 1783-1784, was the Federal Parliament. In 1783 Congress approved the building in the Treaty of Paris, the termination of the American Revolution. George Washington also resigned from the post of army chief in the building. Baltimore harbor outside Fort McHenry, the birthplace of the American national anthem.
Maryland is a US National Institutes of Health, the seat of the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Center, the State Food and Drug Administration and the National Bureau of Standards and Technology, R & D spending to get the federal government allocated in second in the nation. There are "creatures of all," said, there are more than 300 biotechnology companies and research institutions teddington town in the federal states, Maryland innovation in the field of biotechnology, technology transfer and provide a platform for the exchange. June 2000 in the territory teddington town of the State of Maryland in the United States and the human genome project teddington town team jointly teddington town announced CELERA gene of human gene sequencing project research process. teddington town This landmark project demonstrates Maryland more strength in the field of life science research.
Attractions Baltimore Museum of Art, Railway Museum, Evergreen House and so on. Baltimore is an important port city of the Atlantic coast. US Eastern important economic, cultural, medical city. Famous Johns Hopkins Institute, National Institutes of health, Johns Hopkins University. Have been for many presidents, kings and abroad level heavyweights made surgery. Is a world-renowned teddington town medical research centers. In the United States teddington town more than 5000 medical schools, and 16 consecutive years ranked first. Locomotive museum, preserved locomotive in each period, showing the history of the locomotive. teddington town The early history of the city as well as American cultural treasures and historic sites. Washington Monument, the Monument to the Battle of Fort McHenry, Marine Aquarium, World Trade Center, are crowded places. Baltimore's "The Sun", a minor celebrity in the United States.
Annapolis, historic city. The city's multi-enterprise corporate offices and educational and research institutions. Industrial smaller scale, there are a small number of shipbuilding, cement, plastics, food and printing factories. Many historical monuments and 18th-century building, the "United States of Athens," said. Built in 1692 the Catholic church intact. Built in 1772, the state legislature brick structure hall, is the US state parliament building in the oldest building, after the victory of the War of Independence is in this treaty with the British teddington town colonists. Also the preservation of historic houses in the United States more than 60 pre-independence. Severn River has tunnels and bridges connected. Riverside has founded in 1845 the US Naval Academy and the Naval Museum.

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