Friday, June 20, 2014

Jaddann and the menstrual cycle: the common symptoms associated italijanski institut za kulturu wit

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Can cause a range of serious health conditions such as non-serious and in nausea, dizziness, flu and chemotherapy and the other may cause nausea, and can choose a range of foods that dominate the offer. Can also shape and the smell of food and the quantity that controls nausea, and in this case must be eating snacks on the stomach, and avoid spicy foods.
Beverages and liquids in better control of nausea from solid foods. You can choose between a range of drinks to taste and taste, and among these drinks ginger drink or fruit juice, and can warm tea with mint or ginger to be effective in calming the nausea, it also helps relax the muscles of the stomach.
Is the diet famous, recommended when eating solid foods, which rely on four types of food and alphabetical order bananas, rice, applesauce and toast "toast" and advised italijanski institut za kulturu these foods when feeling nauseous because they absorb stomach acid and easy to digest. In general, advised italijanski institut za kulturu soft fruit and cooked vegetables and whole grains when feeling nauseous.
If you find that smell kind of food may cause nausea in making the case worse Stay away with him. For most people, the soft foods, crackers and rubber are attractive, as well as soups, fruits, vegetables and grains. It must listen to the body's reactions when choosing italijanski institut za kulturu foods, texture and smell of food is an important factor at this point and can choose when to find certain foods worsen the symptoms, then you should choose foods that we find attractive smell and taste good.
There is a misconception prevails when many people nausea that occurs when the stomach is empty, and although this may be why, in some cases, but the heavy meals may cause symptoms of nausea worse. You should test the body at the beginning and before eating a lot of food to eat a little fruit or a dish of soup, and control the body's reaction to a quarter of an hour, and then if the case is a good complete food, try not to deal with a lot at each meal must eat slowly to help the body digest eat well.
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The information contained in the site doctor Arabs aimed at increasing health awareness among individuals and communities and increase the medical culture in various fields of medicine nor sung to consult a doctor about it for educational italijanski institut za kulturu purposes, and educational and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases.

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