Saturday, June 7, 2014

And somehow I have to call from a different region, said that the man gangrene, want a leg amputate

Nina Matviyenko "chamomile or mint pidrobysh not!"
2011 20 (47) 20.10.2011 21 (48) 10.11.2011 22 (49) 24.11.2011 23 (50) 08.12.2011 24 (51) 22.12.2011 institut za hrvatski jezik 2012 1 (52) 12.01 .2012 2 (53) 26.01.2012 3 (54) 06.02.2012 4 (55) 20.02.2012 5 (56) 15.03.2012 6 (57) 29.03.2012 7 (58) 12.04.2012 8 (59) 26.04.2012 9 (60) 10.05.2012 10 (61) 24.05.2012 11 (62) 07.06.2012 institut za hrvatski jezik 12 (63) 02.07.2012 13 (64) 16.07.2012 14 (65) 30.07.2012 15 (66) 06.08.2012 17 (68) 06.09.2012 18 (69) 20.09.2012 19 (70) 04.10.2012 20 (71) 14.10.2012 21 (72 ) 08.11.2012 22 (73) 22.11.2012 23 (74) 24 (75) 2013 1 (76) 10.01.2013 institut za hrvatski jezik 2 (77) 24.01.2013 3 (78) 07.02.2013 4 (79) 21.02.2013 5 (80) 07.03.2013 6 (81) 21.03.2013 7 (82) 04.04.2013 8 (83) 14.04.2013 9 (84) 09.05.2013 10 (85 ) 23.05.2013 11 (86) 06.06.2013 12 (87) 20.06.2013 13 (88) 11.07.2013 14 (89) 25.07.2013 15 (90) 08.08.2013 16 (91) 22.08 .2013 17 (92) 05.09.2013 18 (93) 19.09.2013 19 (94) 03.10.2013 20 (95) 17.10.2013 21 (96) 07.11.2013 22 (97) 11/21/2013 23 (98) 05.12.2013 24 (99) 12/19/2013 2014 number 1 (100) 09.01.2014 2 (101) 23.01.2014 3 (102) 06.02.2014 4 (103) 02/20/2014 number 5 (104) 06.03.2014 6 (105) 20/03/2014
78th Annual travoznay Peter Makar for YOURSELF convinced that cancer is very good fighting medicines, data to us by nature one time with Peter D. Makar village Kinashiv Galician District, Ivano-Frankivschyni many hvoriv. In molodosti worked in a forest, frostbitten foot, later he developed gangrene thumb. "So i started tsikavytys fitoterapiyeyu read many books about likuvalni properties of plants, experimented, tested medicines for themselves, - tells CURRENTLY 78th Annual Peter D.. - Vidtak say that even cancer can be due to natural vylikuvaty likam ..."
- You say you have cured themselves of many diseases. What is it about? - Visit my gangrene is a problem with the deposition of salts in the body. I could not get out of bed and walked - Confused as to their feet. And I began to heal itself. First prepared broth bath. The 50-liter vessel put pounds of pine needles, twigs and pivhilohrama willow bark, 300 grams of leaves of oak, birch branches, nettles. Warka is 45 - 50 minutes and then poured into the tub and sat in it. After the procedure is not wiped, went around the room - so the body dried out. After take 5 - 6 bathrooms, black with a finger mounted, it became pink. I started to go better, and low back pain has expired. Generally Accept dozen baths and forget about their problems.
And somehow I have to call from a different region, said that the man gangrene, want a leg amputated. He tried to cure the wax, but it is strongly hell. I advised tub that i took myself. So he, too, everything passed. Along with taking baths I took medication, which he did. First drank linseed oil, then tea with herbs. I must say that this recipe is very helpful against many diseases, even the worst. Here, for example, a few years ago I got testicular tumor. Months of treatment, his own recipe - i tumor disappeared. - It seems that you do not quite trust traditional medicine ... - You know, I live alone, still can not see a few years ago I happened regrettable incident. Walked to the door and fell, was unable to get up, so spent eight hours. Then the neighbors came, summoned "fast". Doctors injected something and go, it helped only half an hour. Then again, I could not move, I like sparalizuvalo. He came to my son, I asked to pour my tea, i I'm Feeling just became easier. I tell you, I'm persuaded themselves in power plants. - How do you do a miracle drink? - First, I want to emphasize that before drinking tea should definitely drink flax oil, but cancer is better to mix a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and two tablespoons of sea buckthorn chayni. These medications can simply take, and even better to add them to dishes, such as salads and stuff. Or you can drink a decoction of flax. To do it, we must bring to a boil 3 - 5 liters of water, add 150 - 200 grams of seeds and cook on low heat for half an hour. I just drank the broth, but also eat flax seeds, and I advise everyone to do so, because these contain a grain of linseed oil (which is very useful for the body). This drink pomichnyy the liver, I'm convinced from experience, because once the liver is so sick that by the hand could not touch. A decoction helped. I think in general that the disorder usually begins work organism is defined as something wrong with the liver. Even cancer from it. And when the body comes to life, the person has power flush, a thirst for life. So, once healed institut za hrvatski jezik oil (or broth), you need to drink tea. Oak bark (150 g), Viburnum (150 grams), pine, willow, linden and birch (100 g) prepared from a decoction of herbs, institut za hrvatski jezik among which St. John's wort (four stems), yarrow (two stems), celandine institut za hrvatski jezik (single stem ), wormwood (two stems), one hundred grams of aspen, peel 3 - 4 bulbs fennel (one stem), 200 - 300 grams of parsley (shredded), institut za hrvatski jezik 200 grams of carrots (cleaned and

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