Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Treatment of cancer in modern scientific medicine Unfortunately, we note that the majority of patie

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Treatment of cancer in modern scientific medicine Unfortunately, we note that the majority of patients with cancer, learn as soon as they are touched by cancer, without thinking at all directed to treatments that exist today in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical operations but all such treatments have dangerous consequences in the destruction of the rest of the health of the organism and its power. Chemotherapy who become ill with cancer operates poisoning number of cancer cells, which are renowned for developing great speed, but at the same time, chemotherapy kills and destroys healthy cells and essential for the organism and its immunity to the disease, as and can cause catastrophic damage to the most important organs of the body such as the liver and kidneys, even in the heart and lungs. Treatment with radiotherapy of cancer-killing cells, but it burns and destroys the cells, tissues and organs healthy. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, at the beginning of their practice diminish the size of the tumor, but their continued use of longer, no longer have any effect against tumors. When the body is weakened by radiotherapy proplast and have carried toxins from chemotherapy, his immune system will have failed and will be completely destroyed, to see that the patient is affected by many diseases and disorders of various stomach. Most dangerous of all that was said above is that: treatment chemotherapy and cancer-cells radiotheraphy make the jump and become proplast resistant and difficult to remove! proplast While surgical operations can cause cancer-cell proliferation in other body sites. So, better for the patient can be moskurimi how such treatment, it is known that the drug or treatment that is done is suspected in his success or is almost hopeless, even more harmful than helpful , and that more death and suffering rush the patient and his relatives, either spiritually or materially. So the best solution and the only one, is that of the returnees to natural herbal treatments for this dangerous disease, as well as all other diseases proplast that modern scientific medicine has failed to cure the entire modernization and its technology. TOP Treatment of Cancer Cancer Arab medical culture has been known since ancient Greek medicine, who have got out of it Egyptian and Iraqi countries today. Older doctors Muslims also have known cancer, have diagnosed it, divided it into different types, and have dealt with various ways natural kurash. From these doctors mention Ar-Razi, al Zahrawi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), etc. Of the ways used by the Arabs for the treatment of cancer, include: medicines proplast taken by mouth, which are two sleet: Vegetable and animal subjects. Of vegetable matter are: Henbane (veratrum album), Artemisia absinthium, chamomile, Valeriana officinalis, grapes Plough, Juniper, CEMU, Asarum europaeum, Myristica fragrans, Andropogon nardus, Narcissus poëticus, trike, lily, black seeds, honey natural undergrowth, hurdhër, onion, Commiphora, myrrh, Ferula Assa-foetida, Zamzam water, etc. And of animal subjects are: camel milk, freshwater crabs and gjarprinjve flesh. Medicines that are used externally on affected countries and fester because, in order to stop the development of cancer-and suppuration. For this purpose are used minerals, such as ceramics, lead and its products, tar, copper acetate, salt, water, sulfur, copper, etc. Animal subjects, such as sponge, bunny, egg, blood, crab, turtle, camel, horns, hedgehog, bone marrow, hoofed animals, snails, etc. And more than 100 plant material, of which: the sycamore (Ficus sycamorus), nuts, seeds and plant Arisarum vulgar, beans, lettuce ass, lentil, Acanthus mollis, Pistacia lentiscus, narcissus, myrrh-tree, licorice, fennel proplast , oak, saffron, proplast mustard, etc. Treatment with incantations and singing from the Qur'an and the prophetic special prayers, which can be made alongside other natural cures and herbal, proplast because as Allah says in the Qur'an: "We maintain the Koran that ështëshërim and mercy for the believers, and that deniers adds only culprit loss. "[Al-Isra, 82]. Food diet and lifestyle: Food First and foremost of these bad cells is refined sugar. By stopping this course, we expect its main food cancer. For replacement of sugar substitutes should be used only natural as molasses or dried fruit, proplast but with very small dimensions. Even table salt contains chemicals Whitening, so changing it with natural sea salt. Milk (with the exception of camel milk) and its products cause phlegm and mucus in the body, especially in

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