Sunday, March 1, 2015

A group of scientists from the University of Thessaly have come to the conclusion that few glasses

With thousands weirdest food in the world of worldwide studies have shown that one third of malignant tumors can be prevented by improving nutrition. weirdest food in the world The main recommendation to realize this is: "The consuming foods steadily foods of vegetable origin, with a table as rich in fruits and vegetables, salads and cereal not refined industrially". These ways of feeding should be adopted as rules needed to be healthy. Nature vegetable foods activate various functions of cells and the immune system, and this activation reaches weirdest food in the world hormonal and metabolic functions. Medicine weirdest food in the world is always based on human experience, and is the science in which experience is worth a lot. But many cancerous diseases can be prevented just following some simple tips. "Tirana Observer" today publishes the latest advice from medical science to the emergence of tumors and how to prevent them. In this supplement are summarized some rules on how to how to prepare a rich table in order to not only enjoy a delicious menu, but also to avoid various diseases, especially cancer. These and many other tips and recommendations weirdest food in the world to physicians, in today's supplement of five pages, to protect against tumors. The newspaper "Tirana Observer" in today's supplement summarizes the latest advice that nutritionists must provide that if anyone will implement will have a long and healthy life. Thus, the number of Saturday you will be able to read all about how you need to act eat in the XXI century to keep away diseases tumor.
Thousands of studies weirdest food in the world in the world have proven that about 1/3 of malignant tumors can be prevented only by improving nutrition. Products that can help in controlling the tumors weirdest food in the world are numerous. But what should have more consideration sick of this disease is the need to consume as much grain, vegetables, especially cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, green teas, legumes, such as beans, peas , etc; but well cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce, soybean oil, low-fat milk, seafood, products rich in calcium weirdest food in the world and vitamin weirdest food in the world D recommendations advise doctors should eat more vegetables, fruits, citrus and grain , but not industrial products. Undercooked vegetables weirdest food in the world have different functions in protecting proteins and complete food styling is able to affect hormones and metabolism. But a good diet also helps in the elimination of other physical problems such as reduction of insulin in the blood, reducing the calories by eating weirdest food in the world less than usual, reducing the foods that increase the level of gliceminës, the fats in the blood and protein meat obtained from animal products. All these affect care for a body in shape and healthy. In this way also fought numerous diseases, such as malignant tumors. weirdest food in the world If these recommendations you collide with daily life, then change the mode of feeding should be done slowly, in order to achieve the reorganization of daily life.
The most common weirdest food in the world tumors of the ovaries are cyst. These are sacs filled weirdest food in the world with fluid and with different hormones, which can reach and quite large dimensions. Type of hormone-containing cyst sets and signs. When cyst containing female weirdest food in the world hormones, especially esterogene, provide early puberty in young girls, women bleeding, which may occur after discontinuation of ordinary. Hysni Dankshi alternative doctor recommends these popular cure for the treatment of tumors weirdest food in the world that appear in the ovaries. Take 4 tablespoons of leaves composed of 50 gr skin oaks, 40 g hazelnuts, 60 gr gooseberry flowers of black poplar leaves. I throw in a liter of water and leave to soften for 5-6 hours. Subsequently, the composition of the boil for five minutes. Cover pan leave in silence for 10 minutes. The gushed after throwing little lemon juice and honey ëmbëlsoni. This medication is recommended to use 1 cup of tea three times a day.
Brokulla is a wonderful vegetable salad made, but the most effective treatment are the roots of the plant and not the flower. Take 2 times of 1 teaspoon of dried root of the particles of brokullës. This measure boil a cup of water and pijeni tea for 1-2 months. Brokulla helps increase the body's weirdest food in the world immunity and resistance and fights cancerous cells in the body. If this is the case even for tumors in the uterus.
A group of scientists from the University of Thessaly have come to the conclusion that few glasses of wine a week help everyone to be in excellent shape health. Scientists have discovered that grape vines and legumes such as white as well

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