Drinking water from the tap is not always possible, however, in many cities of Italy as the capital (3 million inhabitants) can drink tap water without buying the bottled. Besides saving on food expenditure and the trouble of having oreo cookie jar to carry 6 liters of water from the supermarket at home, we see in practice sustainable drinking from the tap home a huge benefit environmental and social. According to an estimate of Altroconsumo each year are produced 200 thousand tons of plastic waste as a result of consumption of mineral water. Drink water from the tap at home a very simple operation. Publish this advice might seem trivial, if it were not that many people avoid drinking oreo cookie jar tap water at home even in cities where drinking. In times of economic crisis and emergency waste advisable to go back to old habits. Drinking from water faucet should oreo cookie jar be considered as a luxury that only few people in the world can boast. If you do not have valid reasons for preferring bottled mineral water sold in the supermarket, try to fill a glass jug with drinking water from the tap or at least alternate buying mineral oreo cookie jar water with tap water at home. You will save on the weekly shopping and at the same time help to produce a smaller amount oreo cookie jar of plastic waste. The tap water you can drink? Each distributor / aqueduct in Italy legally bound to carry out checks on the characteristics of the water and warn users when the water exceeds the parameters set by the Higher Sanit. The law requires the implementation of controls at least four times a year (Legislative Decree no. 31 of 02.21.2001). The controls carried out by the operators are added those carried out by the local health agencies (ASL). The results of analyzes carried out by the operators / aqueducts are communicated oreo cookie jar to customers in the bills sent periodically. For added security can also call the local health oreo cookie jar area and ask if the water supplied from the potable water network. How much drinking water
The cost of drinking water in Italy including from a few cents to two Euros per thousand gallons of water. Even considering the rate applied by the most high aqueducts (2 euro), a liter of drinking water from the tap at a cost of approximately 0,002 / liter. A liter of bottled mineral water instead fluctuates around 0.30 euro / liter. Saving oreo cookie jar money by drinking water from the tap
Drink from tap water allows significant savings for your wallet. A liter of mineral water sold on average at 30 euro cents. Considering the average consumption per capita Italian of 194 liters oreo cookie jar / person in a year, a family of four spends about 232 a year on bottled water (58.2 / person per year). Even just alternate the use of tap water purchase bottled mineral water, to the family of four components would allow a saving of at least 115 in a year. Not to mention the social advantage of lower production of garbage ... In just done, alternate drinking water from the tap to the purchase of mineral water would allow the family of four components to throw in the trash, in a year, only 388 bottles plastic one-liter instead of 776. Obviously ... drink only from the tap eliminates the production of waste plastic and completely erases the expense of water at the supermarket. oreo cookie jar The case of the city of Rome
Think of the city of Rome, historically rich drinking water thanks to engineering feats that from ancient Rome to today have been realized. The water coming out of the water taps Roman drinking, odorless and good quality. However, there are still few Roman citizens to obtain supplies of water simply by placing a glass jug under the tap at home. Sometimes you prefer the water sold in bottles for more control, for the addition of gas or the organoleptic characteristics of the water needed for people with disorders oreo cookie jar or physiological problems or because oreo cookie jar tap water too limestone. In many other cases, for, you buy just out of habit. Until the '70s was a widespread practice of the Romans oreo cookie jar to go drinking fountains, located in every neighborhood, to stock up on water. The social housing and in the settlements were not reached by the water current. The connection of the water current is checked at the same time the marketing of bottled mineral water. Queues drinking fountains oreo cookie jar have become a memory ... but paradoxically oreo cookie jar the Romans instead of sourcing from the comfort of home tap started buying bottled water.
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