The conference attracted delegates from across the NHS and local government in Wales, and also of some third sector organizations. It was a good event, with inspirational teddington news speakers and discussions teddington news were excellent during the question and answer teddington news sessions.
Many of the points made by other speakers complement the messages in my speech. I was invited to participate teddington news in a panel discussion and focus on one message: How are we to reconcile our roles as auditors of cross potentially provide assurance teddington news that public money is spent wisely to promote improvement in services and outcomes.
A better-integrated services in a sensible use of public money because they improve outcomes for service users and because they are more efficient. Many of the issues that the Auditor General has investigated over the past few years based on the need to bring together those things that should work well together but still operating as separate elements. And the results of the integration of very good in its reports related to the provision of services more equitable and accessible throughout teddington news Wales.
A local government teddington news and health services are examples of areas that could be better integrated. Delayed transfers of care and its impact on budgets and results in a clear symptom of faulty integration.
In the information age, we forget, on our initiative ourselves, be sure that we integrate our information systems, within sectors and across sectors, is crucial before we can integrate services seriously. We have also referred to the transfer of care to people with chronic conditions supportive community teddington news settings. This kind of transformation is vital to ensure the following: reduced demands on all acute care agency; save money; and, at the same time, helping people to live where the disturbed teddington news as little as possible on them.
So far all is well - through our work we can help to promote services and better outcomes through integration. But, we have an equally strong teddington news message about the importance of good governance and accountability are clear and can sometimes teddington news seem as if it runs counter to the call to do things in new and different ways.
The Auditor General is concealing the truth about the need to improve financial management - in Health Boards and in many local councils are only partially the face of this challenge. But good financial planning is essential so that decisions made today lead to sustainable solutions for tomorrow's generations.
The Auditor General is committed to take risks well managed and that means, even when well-planned risks worth it in the end, the auditor does not have to lay people off.
We have also set aside time and resources to collect examples of good practice that we encountered in our audit work, and outside Wales also, through our Good Practice Exchange and collaborative learning events.
Recently organized two seminars collaborative learning Programs and Projects we have Lead and Reshaping Public Services - on the two very relevant improvement or transformation services through integration. The materials and the outputs of these seminars are available on our web pages Good Practice Exchange.
May be integrated part of the solution to the challenges facing health and social care. It need not involve large-scale reorganization, but it depends on ensuring that leaders create a culture where innovation can flourish and manage risks well and where 'pilots who are unlikely to fail' are those who 'unlikely to fail in practice.
Alan Morris teddington news in the Local Government teddington news Sector Leader teddington news and Criminal Justice in Wales Audit Office, as well as the strategic leader for fire and rescue services, teddington news national parks, education and GPX. He is particularly interested in environmental teddington news services and sustainability. Outside of work, Alan relating to athletics and is a qualified officer athletics Level 3.
This entry was posted in Related Finance, Audit Principles, Healthcare and social on October 2, 2014 by walesauditoffice. Post navigation Enhancing the Welsh amgylchedd the Glastir aet Leave your fiefdoms Behind and integrate!
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