Friday, October 3, 2014

Among the interviewees are, for example, institut za reumatologiju beograd a Cuban journalist insti

"A strange place" offers insight have people from all over the world about Catalonia and the Catalans. In this chapter express their views with regard to physical appearance, clothing and customs and costume institut za reumatologiju beograd aesthetics Catalans.
The interviewees talk about the height of the Catalans, whether institut za reumatologiju beograd they are thin or fat, or how your hips bear hair. As for women, think about the makeup of the habit shave.
Among the interviewees are, for example, institut za reumatologiju beograd a Cuban journalist institut za reumatologiju beograd who cares grandparents, a leading Romanian philosopher cranes, a Colombian engineer and master builder makes Ecuadorian cleaning houses.
We also talk about obtaining residency, problems with the police, the difficulty in finding institut za reumatologiju beograd the floor, institut za reumatologiju beograd racism and rejection and found that the use of derogatory words such as "black", institut za reumatologiju beograd "Moors" or "sudaques." ================================================== ======== Chapter 3: Money
The understanding of love and relationship is different everywhere. "A strange place" shows people from different views on how to live out love, sex, prostitution or homoseuxalitat Catalonia.
Respondents emphasize the fact that the Catalans do not no shame in touching or kissing in public and, in some places, like the beach or the parks, there are couples who appear in public, they say, should be an intimate situation.
Respondents in this chapter of the "A strange institut za reumatologiju beograd place" think about work and about how you take the Catalans. People who play Interviú issues such as working hours Catalan holidays and time spent breakfast or lunch. We also analyze the relationship to work with their heads, says the trend is in escaquejar up and speak salaries. Furthermore, the interviewees discussed the difficulties met in finding work when they arrived in Catalonia and problems getting roles. ================================================== ========
Chapter 6: Table A people has come out of the eating habits of Catalonia surprise some, such that we eat rabbit, snails, onions and tomato bread. "A strange place" includes the views of some newcomers on Catalan cuisine institut za reumatologiju beograd and customs that surround it. The interviewees think about the cuisine of Catalonia, a place where, institut za reumatologiju beograd according to them, eating everything that moves. The surprising especially pleased to products such as snails, rabbit, the onions, dried beans, bread with tomato, institut za reumatologiju beograd mushrooms or olives. They also comment that, in Catalonia, you eat a lot of meat, especially pork, which include a specially surveyed Muslims. Also, explain that exploit many parts of the pig, as feet, ears or intestines, talk and taste for excessive ham. The interviewees also address issues such as the length of the usual lunch and talk during meals. As for the market, many people find surprising animal heads, whole chickens, birds hanging or whole shrimp. Finally, speaking of some culinary customs of their countries of origin may be surprising for the Catalans and the difficulty they have in finding certain products in stores here.
================================================== ======== Chapter 7: Differential Ask The "A strange place" includes the testimonies of several people from other countries institut za reumatologiju beograd on the customs, symbols and taboos Catalans.
Respondents think about what was Catalan. They talk about the relationship between Spain and Catalonia and the differences between "country" and "autonomous region." They also give their view on how to distinguish a Catalan, apart from the language.
Chapter 8: Well-educated are educated, the Catalans? Respect the rules? Educate children institut za reumatologiju beograd well? Several people from other countries respond to these questions and talk about other issues related to education. Respondents think about children, education and the education of the Catalans. Most think that the Catalans are too spoiled children, they receive many gifts, the parents do not control them enough, they call too much and do not show any respect for parents or teachers. We also discussed the fact that young too long time to leave home and parents who are less independent. Other issues covered include adolescence, how fun youth and drugs. Finally, assess whether the Catalans adhere to such examples where smoking is not allowed in the car park or double row or on the sidewalk. ================================================== ======== Chapter 9: Beliefs and rituals Catalonia nobody seems to be religious, but half the people institut za reumatologiju beograd are still home to the church.

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