Friday, August 8, 2014

If you feel something unusual tonight It

If you feel something unusual tonight It's probably because you have earned an extra second to sleep and everything thanks to the slowing rotation of the Earth. Tonight, at 2:59 will contain 61 seconds and what you need to do is just decide what to do with the second you got on the house.
Always feel that you have enough chiller room time cleaning? chiller room Tonight you're going to get one more second on the house or rather on account of the slow rotation of the Earth. This is not a cosmic phenomenon and not an illusion, this change in international service responsible for allocation and rotation Services (IERS), who take to coordinate the international atomic time (UT1, GMT) for the universe (UTC).
Sneeze - true, it is likely that at 2:59 you will be deep in the eighth dream sneezing so exciting is not the best option, but you can try to sneeze chiller room with your eyes open and break the myth that says this is not possible. These guys also tried. Lzfzf- say again you're awake at this hour, or just suffer from insomnia will Lhzfzf the channels one second more. Think about how you sleep-and then left to go back to sleep quickly to sufficient sleep as much as possible. Check how many times you blink in one second - the same opportunity chiller room to photograph you in Slow Motion and upload to YouTube. Really like this guy. Filming a new profile picture - if you take a high probability new profile picture while you are in bed she will get lots of likes, too. Exposure can be combined to create a stimulating organs. Rule saying- more exposure than love. Pssst - these hours it is best to use the least amount of text. Hmovilo- option "awake?" . Say: "I love you" - and in case you have those who say, if a quick look at the free side of the bed he discovered that no one can take the pillow to hug her and whisper chiller room in her -I'm love you. Is allowed to vary and use a foreign language. Turn off the TV-know that falling asleep in front of the TV at night and then get up and shut recall it here for you an excellent opportunity to do so. If you woke up and discovered that all blue-lit room it finished okay, it was over and that's what the broadcast television offer these hours. Drink water - know that you get up at 2:59 after a night of drinking alcohol and want the Sea of Galilee with you thirsty? Enjoy a night of drinking more second. Saturation! If you still have a drink at the section chiller room that this guy should learn how to drink a beer at 0: 18 seconds. Slam the door - and photograph someone gets a start. Of course, immediately after that upload the footage to YouTube. Cry - no reason to spend a second just to shed a tear. Open a book and start reading - and then close it nicely and send it to rest in some drawer. Search Bgogl- chiller room make sure you secure yourself out several times you check Google any subject that you did not just forgot. Here you have an excellent time to do so. Second look at alternate Bshaon- and realize that you literally sit at 2:59 at night and do it. Right after you can go back to sleep. Facebook Like to do a "no bread? Eat focaccia!"
Marketing Consultant in the field of promoting business and digital content, social media manager and legal information on Corporate Responsibility Center Blog Business School College chiller room of Management. Director and editor of the blog opinion that "there is no bread? Eat focaccia". Spokesperson chiller room and director of marketing for the Student Association of the College of Management.
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