Thursday, August 14, 2014

Further attic bedroom duplex loft decoration, decoration for a living poetic in Gothenburg, Sweden

Small attic room with decorations admirable job of Fyrvs Tlyr. Fyrvs, who had a plan and implemented it, a contemporary design styles that are perfect for attic wooden house is small. Most rooms have a loft warehouse order it to keep old appliances and junk used. However, this does not mean that the space should be a source of sadness 1 gallon glass carboy and depression. Sort proper objects inside the room, there is not enough space on it to ensure it is easier to clean up. A bed can be placed properly in the room so that the adhesive side of a wall, so as to experience the cold air next to the window in order moment's 1 gallon glass carboy notice.
In this scenario, you have a bicycle hanging from the walls and a multi-round white bubble lamps hung from the ceiling to light up the increase. A small rug in front of the entrance to the room of your shoes before entering the room where the Fingers, it helps prevent the accumulation of dust in the room. The front window, you can put a desk and a laptop 1 gallon glass carboy and paperwork to your address. It was obvious faith is able to use all the space in the room.
White is the dominant color in the design and you can use these colors in pillows, beds, bedding and furniture to see. Thank you to the readers of this chamber are a series of open bookcase in the corner of the front attic, windows, and another one near the center of the wall. A standing lamp with zigzag base can also be exposed to light and heat your bed at night, you need to provide. In addition, a Step Behind are the largest of their three balls of fabric in the corner of the room and extra light into the room, especially in the dark and cloudy day provides. Two small spheres are located on either side of her that is appealing aesthetic design. 1 gallon glass carboy A short white curtains can be hung from the left corner of the ceiling, the curtains in warehouses and adornment gives a sense of separation. The ones who can create space with a mat of brown fluffy pillows, just behind the table and give Msndly room more comfortable experience. /
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