Saturday, October 19, 2013

The plugin cookie jars hello or Groundhog Day, the cookie jar is a small cookie gimmick for WordPre

The plugin cookie jars hello or Groundhog Day, the cookie jar is a small cookie gimmick for WordPress. It reads the cookie created when commenting and welcomes the reader with repeated viewing of the blog with a random welcome message. The texts can only be specified in a normal or rare variant. .
Note: This version is currently only available in German. I assume no risk for damage caused by the plugin. Current tests ran flawlessly for me and I am thankful for each advice for troubleshooting or criticism.
It began with the inspiration of the nose dachshund and the gimmick Greetings from the cookie jar. Now the whole is packaged as a plugin with some additional options. Maybe there is indeed someone useful. Condition
If the cookie query from WordPress should be the same in older and newer versions, it would actually work there. Download version 0.4: candy version 0.3: candy Version 0.2: candy Version 0.1: candy Installation Unpack the downloaded archive and copy it to folders contained in your candy jars hi WordPress installation directory under / wp-content/plugins /. Activate the plugin in the plugin cookie departman za gradjevinarstvo jars Hello administration. Update Deactivate the plugin in the plugin cookie jars Hello administration. Secure the keksdosen_hallo.php so as not to lose the adapted texts. Extract the downloaded archive and Transfer of the secured keksdosen_hallo.php the adapted texts in the new version of keksdosen_hallo.php file. Copy / Load the folder in your candy jars hi WordPress installation directory under / wp-content/plugins / and overwrite the older version of the plugin here. Activate the plugin in the plugin cookie jars Hello administration. departman za gradjevinarstvo Use
You also have the possibility to add text for an additional issue and to indicate to the welcome text. This is especially useful for HTML tags, which should be (eg in show_unknown = 0) only used when the output of the plugin:
It should be noted that the following sequence is observed and unneeded parts with two single departman za gradjevinarstvo quotes '' must be specified: 1 Parameters (several linked with &) 2 additional text before the welcome text 3 additional text after the welcome text
The following parameters, which affect the appearance and content of the plugin output, specify: rare_lvl departman za gradjevinarstvo Sets the factor for the rare texts welcome determine the chance 1: rare_lvl there. If a value of 0 is specified, there is no output of the rare texts. The maximum value is limited currently plugin departman za gradjevinarstvo side to 1000. Default value (default): no factor is 10, which corresponds to a chance of 1:10 Ex twp_keksdosen_hallo ('rare_lvl = 25') ... fixed for a chance of 1:25 for rare texts welcome show_url Specifies whether the names of the cookie departman za gradjevinarstvo stored companion website linked to output. A value of 0 results in no output and a 1 to a linked issue. (Not specified) Default value: '0 'for no issue with linked web site Example: twp_keksdosen_hallo (' show_url = 1 ') for name display with linked departman za gradjevinarstvo website show_unknown If no cookie exists or is it a reader has not commented ... has, for example, the output is synonymous with the stranger. This parameter departman za gradjevinarstvo determines whether, in the event of an output should be (value: 1) or the plugin will only respond to readers with relevant cookies departman za gradjevinarstvo (value: 0). Default value (none): 1, it will also welcomes stranger Ex twp_keksdosen_hallo ('show_unknown = 0') ... no greeting of strangers adjust output texts
When adding text, make sure that the lyrics always' stand and getting down to the last with a comma 'in single quotes' end. The text itself of course depends on your own creativity. Changelog 0.4 - Adjustment to cookies from WordPress 2.6 and mark '*' removed, and cleaned up some code. (05.08.2008) 0.3 - User identification via cookies only temporarily registered departman za gradjevinarstvo in WordPress authors, and mark with a leading '*'. Names longer than 15 characters will be shortened with '...' at the end. (29.07.2008) 0.2 - Name of the WordPress author will now also be read from the cookie wordpress user. If it exists, it is used instead of coming adapt cookies. (09.11.2007) departman za gradjevinarstvo 0.1 - Initial release, not perfect but hatched (08/11/2007) Todos / Feature departman za gradjevinarstvo Requests creative texts read texts of extra files?
As long as you have used for the text, it is likely that you will ever

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