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Many parents worry how to bring down the temperature of the child. Warm as baby and adult with fever using blankets, warm clothes, a heater mounted in the room - is unsafe. These measures have the potential to cause thermal shock, if the temperature ormie the pig wants a cookie rises to dangerous levels. Put the patient's lungs to unnecessary heat escapes freely and keep the room temperature 20-21 degrees C (with possible need to use air conditioning or fan, do not direct the air flow to the sick person).
The increase in temperature will cause the human body to dehydration. Just so it's extremely essential to maintain normal water balance in your body by means of the greatest possible use of water. ormie the pig wants a cookie Refrain from drinking liquids with a high content of sugar. It is preferable to use at high temperatures plain water or mineral water. Last drinks will assist you in replacing electrolytes in your body. This method tells how to bring down the temperature of an adult.
In case if a person temperature 104 F (40 C) and above, and if you see that it was bothering him, dip it to the waist in a bath with a little warm water. Its temperature is required ormie the pig wants a cookie to be pleasing to the first body. Cool water can cause chills in such cases, which increases body temperature. Bathing, massaging his skin washcloth to improve blood circulation and increase ormie the pig wants a cookie the heat transfer. Continue the procedure until such time as long as you get bored. Normally, to reduce the body temperature by 2 F, you need at least 20 minutes Oposlya bath pat the skin, leaving a little bit of moisture ormie the pig wants a cookie in order to continue the cooling process. When an hour later the temperature will climb up again, do the procedure again.
Mix in a bowl 1 part vinegar and 5 shares of warm water. Next, soak the sponge and wipe her baby's skin or adult: first, the back and belly, then the arms, legs, palms and stacks. This procedure ormie the pig wants a cookie is repeated every 2-3 hours.
To achieve the desired results you need to take a cotton cloth and soak it in water or an aqueous or tincture of yarrow. Traditionally brewed 1 -2 tablespoons of yarrow by subsequent recipe: take yarrow pour and fill it with water at room temperature ormie the pig wants a cookie in a porcelain, glass or enamel pot, then this dish placed in a boiling water bath and heat to the frequent stirring 15 min., Then cool and strain through a cloth or gauze.
Wet face cloths in mint broth, then how should press: ormie the pig wants a cookie they must be mokrovatymi, but not wet. Put cooked compresses on the forehead, temples, wrists, inguinal ormie the pig wants a cookie folds. The pack should be replaced every 10 min .. This method is very suitable to reduce the temperature in the home.
In fact, at a high temperature to be administered directly hypertonic solutions. The dose should be calculated as follows: one or two teaspoons of salt to cook for 1 cup (200 ml) of warm boiled water (cool water can cause a baby cramps ormie the pig wants a cookie and pain). Prepared solution profilaktiruet water absorption ormie the pig wants a cookie through the intestinal wall and contributes, together with removal of her stool. Infants under 6 months need to enter 30-50 ml of the prepared solution, for children from 6 months up to 1-1.5 years to be entered 70-100 ml for children 2-3 years -200 ml for children of preschool age - 300-400ml. Children 12-14 years must be entered 700-800 ml of water per 1 liter of water 1 to 2 tablespoons of salt without top.
If the baby or adult patient intestines (colitis), it is much better ormie the pig wants a cookie to do a cleansing enema so that she was both curative. Daisy need to brew so three or four tablespoons of chamomile flowers should be placed in an enamel bowl, pour one cup of hot boiled water, cover and heat in a boiling ormie the pig wants a cookie water bath for fifteen minutes. Then allowed ormie the pig wants a cookie to cool at room temperature for 45 min., Filtered, the remaining raw materials is drained, and the amount of the formed water boiled infusion was adjusted to a volume of 200 ml. Camomile tea to mix with sunflower oil for children - half, the older guys to 700-800 ml solution add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Public dose indicated above. This solution possesses anti-inflammatory action.
On this day the most secure means to lower the temperature considered paracetamol and ibuprofen. Paracetamol require 15 mg / kg -10 mg of ibuprofen / kg. To date, there are many forms of paracetamol and ibuprofen. But at high temperature figures better to use a rectal suppository. As against a high temperature
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