Monday, May 26, 2014

As soon as the outside temperatures exceed the 30-degree mark in the longer term, everyone should f

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Imagine, it's summer. For weeks, the sun is shining. What's more you burn. Streets, squares, especially the asphalt are heated and in shops, offices and living rooms, it is unbearably hot. According strange customs around the world to studies, most people strange customs around the world at temperatures from 32 C no longer are able to retrieve their full potential.
As soon as the outside temperatures exceed the 30-degree mark in the longer term, everyone should first check its usual ventilation habits and change them if necessary. During the day, the windows remain closed. Only at nightfall, they are wide open, so that the pleasant cool night air the rooms until the morning can bring to a tolerable level again. It is recommended to strongly attach to the corresponding window called insect screens. Thus, the buzzing and often stinging pests stay where they belong - namely outside.
During the day, it is important to shade all the windows that are exposed to the direct sunlight strange customs around the world as possible from the outside. Lucky ones are those who can rely on outdoor blinds, shutters or awnings. Otherwise, the curtains should at least internally be drawn or blinds are lowered. Admittedly, a little more comfortable room temperature is bought strange customs around the world in this way in a figurative sense quite "expensive". While outside the sun is shining, it's dark inside. In the worst case, even the light must be turned on.
Drafts feel most people to be very uncomfortable. And for good reason. strange customs around the world It is involved is a draft, which arises due to some difference in air pressure and is already evident at an air velocity of only 0.2 meters per second.
While he makes on the skin, such as in the neck, for sensible cooling, the seated under the skin nerve endings start small electrical impulses sent to the muscles situated strange customs around the world beneath it. As a kind of protection mechanism, the muscles respond with contraction. The result is tension, as it surely has any ever experienced in the form of a "stiff neck". The vessels of the nose and throat mucous membranes react to local drafts very sensitive. They are less well supplied with blood, which in turn favors infections, colds or coughs.
The perceived cooling effect of fans is based on the following principle: At any heated body is a thin layer of air. This is still a little warmer than the surrounding air and also acts insulating. The airflow of a fan rips on this layer of air and blows it away. Added to this is the welding. The breeze of a fan also ensures that the sweat can evaporate quickly. strange customs around the world Taken together, all this feel people who stay in the immediate vicinity of a fan as a refreshing dip.
Who has the power to not only set with a powerful fan, the air inside the room in motion strange customs around the world and as above provide cooling, but also reduce the overall room temperature by a few degrees. For this, the device must be positioned so that it suck in cooler air, for example from the hallway or from another room and can blow into the heated room.
For a long time air conditioning systems almost exclusively strange customs around the world used in southern countries in offices and private homes. Now, however, they are also found in our not only in hotels or grocery stores. Even office workers and families do not want to miss in their homes have the luxury of pleasant coolness in high summer ambient temperatures. It may not always be the costly installation of permanently installed large systems. There are now long numerous strange customs around the world variants of sophisticated mobile devices.
This can be set up without strange customs around the world any structural or other changes in every room and only need an ordinary wall socket. Prior to purchasing the future application should be measured precisely. The mobile air conditioning systems are in fact designed according to their cooling and circulation rate for various room sizes.
In addition to cool air which will promote the well-being as well as the concentration, air conditioners strange customs around the world offer even more benefits. Just Allergy appreciate the extra cleaning of the room air, which is realized by sophisticated filtering systems. Whether car fumes or pollen - for

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