Orange sky graden color in its color scheme is somewhere between red and yellow. On the one hand it is the color of passion, warmth, glow, and on the other - the color of cheerfulness, which reminds us of pleasant sunny days.
This color is very bright, it tends to attract the eye. Therefore, often used only for orange accents parting design (eg, textiles in the room orange). As the main color of the walls or furniture orange sky graden is extremely rare.
Should not be abused in orange interior design, because its saturation can lead to fatigue. Also, when choosing the right combination for orange, you need to take into account sky graden the fact that it displaces all the objects sky graden around him out of sight, because takes all the attention on himself.
Recommended to use orange decor in the rooms is not intended for rest and sleep, such as kitchen, dining room or study. Also it is better not to use this color in the rooms are on the south side, there was a sensation not to excess heat. In contrast, the north side trim orange apartments usually do blackout and cool rooms brighter and warmer.
If you talk about what style is appropriate orange, then in combination with brown it creates terracotta shade that applies even in those styles that pure orange invalid (classic, Empire, Rococo).
Based on the shade of orange, is defined and its application. Combination of orange and peach colors give a feeling of freshness and is used in bedrooms, kitchens, toilets. Orange range is better to use in the kitchen.
Perfect combination for kitchen design is orange and gray. These colors, according to psychologists, have a beneficial effect on the psyche. Interesting post: Proper bedroom for healthy sleep Kitchen interior in Italian style What should be the elite design apartments and how to choose the executor of the project? A small country on the minimum square meters sky graden Decorative stone in the interior apartments How to hide gas, water pipes in the bathroom, hallway
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