Tuesday, April 15, 2014

From the picture above, the type of barred owls that inhabit the forest areas of the southern Unite

There are several types of birds that are very dangerous, especially when we as humans da cookie jar disturb their tranquility. Reporting from Listverse.com, da cookie jar this is ten kinds of birds that can kill you if they suddenly run amok: 10. Eagles red tail
Red-tailed hawk can cause serious harm to humans if they start attacking. This hawk is the biggest hawk in North America, weighing 3 to 4.4 pounds and a wingspan of up to 5 feet. In the state of Connecticut, United States, the eagle often attack people and cause head injury victims. 9. Snowy owl
Snowy owl generally clean white looks like Hedwig, Harry Potter's da cookie jar owl belongs. But who would have thought this bird turns berbahanya bird category. This nocturnal bird mostly live in arctic or northern polar region. With a height da cookie jar of 18 feet, 4 feet wide wingspan and sharp nails, snowy owl is able to scratch a human face to bleed if they are threatened. 8,. Bird Lammergier
Birds Lammergier really like consuming mammalian bone marrow. This will bring the giant bird bones and destroy their prey flying da cookie jar high in the rocks on the cliff top. Of course with the look and capabilities such creepy, Lammergier da cookie jar is a threat to humans. 7. Types of barred owls (Barred Owl)
From the picture above, the type of barred owls that inhabit the forest areas of the southern United States this look harmless. But in fact these birds are often injured mountain climbers. This type of owl will attack da cookie jar the head of mountaineers and clawing to bleed. 6. Types Great Northern Loon Bird
Do not compare birds of the Great Northern Loon is the same as a duck is benign. Birds diver weighs 8 to 12 pounds da cookie jar have sharp claws used for tearing meat fish that they prey. So beware if you are diving near Loon bird this one as an animal researcher ever died after scratched on his left chest. 5. Types of Mute Swans
Mute swans are the type of one of the largest swan in the world. Geese like this are usually found in areas of North America. Although the shape is very graceful water birds but if they are disturbed nest, the goose with a wingspan of 7 feet can result in broken bones and eye pain in humans. 4. Seagull European types Herring
Due to human activities that pollute their habitat with garbage, gulls prey is difficult to acquire. As a result, these birds often steal human food that is in the sea around the strike first. A little boy had been attacked gull on the face of this kind when the gull tried to take the sausage. 3. Australian magpie Bird
Physically, this Australian humming bird similar to the crow. Yes, a humming bird from Australia is still a relative with a crow. With a wingspan of up to 3 feet, this bird looks very big when I was flying.
In a period of six weeks at the beginning of the breeding season, a humming bird of Australia will keep their territory from any threat, including humans passing near them. With nails and sharp beak, this bird is often injure passing pedestrians, especially in the head. 2. Ostrich Africa
Herd of ostrich can run at speeds of 43 miles per hour. With long legs and sharp nails, they can attack humans and even killed da cookie jar him in a matter of seconds. This event often occurs when humans accidentally passing near a gathering da cookie jar place ostrich mating season da cookie jar arrives. 1. Bird Cassowary
This beautiful bird weighs more than 130 pounds with a height of 5 feet. This bird is ready to attack anyone who approached and threatened them with his strength habitats. They will chase the target and kicked with sharp spurs.
Tags: 10 dangerous birds, 10 birds that can kill humans, birds, dangerous bird in the world, berbaya eagle, the bird world's deadliest, most terrifying bird, bird of prey man, dangerous birds, the unique thing about love, is unique. This entry was posted in Unique and posted by Ms.Terius.
Until Chilean tsunami to Indonesia Thursday ...
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