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1and, 3 October 2010 00:34 Hi vareskari vareskarky and my husband began riding for transport companies glass jar with spigot go abroad and I have now the dilemma of how to deal with it. In addition, most of my error, I'd very much like nabalila maintaining good homemade meals and not sachet soups. We want to ask for some hints and recipes and how to wrap him or rather the pot cesty.Uz are looking forward to your receptiky and navody.dakujem
vini55, 3 October 2010 06:18 Exactly, writes Evas 13 + good gas cooker, when I've been in similar situations, so I'm carrying a mini kitchen, two smaller pressure cookers. The problem is that they learn how to cook for one and one to eat, / it has never failed me /. My spolucestovateľ-Lilina be good to me ...
explosive, 3 October 2010 07:52 I sterilize glass jar with spigot everything in a jar ... daughter when she went on high could tell later ... again ... husband worked in Brno, so it's of something 'Cup Navláčil ... normlane into small ones, it was actually just one serving of each meal .. which I cooked, I'm here one serving immediately removed and zasterilizovala. The daughter told me that any time you are neohriala, gravy a painted bread aa zajedala meat. the man who hates cold food, so he bought a microwave glass jar with spigot and heated and cooked Appendix .. Now I was wondering ... Ladies .... I zeby be construed as such, say, pot ready to eat rice? ... just out of curiosity
janaalizibolenova, 3 October 2010 at 10:05 my mom also was in college pickled in bottles, glass jar with spigot but those diminutive of tartar sauce, because of the big 7decky it would be for me and so many of the little akurat it came to me one lunch, glass jar with spigot Annex I cooked .. . chystavam I now husband on the road, but he went only 1dnove, so it always equip the finished lunch in plastic containers and cooler with frozen custard ...
sovka62, 3 October 2010 at 10:54 My son in law a couple of years riding for foreign companies and need to pack for a month, so I know exactly what problems you have in front of you. His company is based in Spain, where prices are similar to ours, so if it ever gets, there's something you get used to purchase or eats in the restaurant. Otherwise also carry buds with cooked meat, paprikaš, stew, in its own juice and Annex-rice, potatoes, pasta-cooking on a gas cooker. Bravo also salami, sausages, bacon, eggs (of course, has a great fridge). So far, so it worked more or less smoothly. Up to now there is a problem. Last week was a preventive medical examination, on Thursday had results. Doctor stated that it is absolutely healthy, but cholesterol is 7.8! So has tentatively stick to a diet and after three months we will see. When his son in law reminded glass jar with spigot what it does and how it eats, the Doctor acknowledged that this is really a problem. So now the daughter is trying pot vegetable soup in cups of baby food, but so that when you open diluted with equal amounts of water (where they drove many cups?), Tested and some steamed vegetables and other things that would suit his diet. So when you decide what you husband going to also take into account the composition of the menu, otherwise the husband will sooner or later have the same problem as my son in law.
explosive, 3 October 2010 at 11:31 1and ... and not helped by earlier instant glass jar with spigot Jiska? .... I do not know how to say it in Slovak ... in Bohemia it is commonly sold ... it's a thickener in sauces, soups and so ... I do not in use, but it Vidam good for my mother in law ....
evas13, 3 October 2010 12:17 sterilized jars need not be refrigerated, just sausages, cheese, spreads, how happy Sovka added vic vegetables. Soups and everything can be sterilized even if they are hitched.
1and, 3 October 2010 at 14:21 evas13 with enough she's after cooking dam into the cup and dizziness, glass jar with spigot cups we put the head down to the lid or latch on it remains to be sterilized as when pot? if yes where oven? cooker? and how many. thank you
1and, 3 October 2010 14:25 sovka62 ... thank you for the advice, the soup as we speak should be denser but probably even more pronounced taste that good after doriedeni water .... if you'll have the recipe as messengers even try ja.Teraz going skusit Chicken garlic soup here who was recently added. My dear likes it as well as vytaminky csnaku the roads are not bad.
2010 3 October glass jar with spigot 2010 15:33 Each debate must be DAKO who has a different opinion. I was in my younger years traveled as idiot.Len I did not have to wear anything with them, and also we had young children and Loan neck. So my old boss advised how to do it. "Eat what they eat home to" save the good each time you najes.V
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