Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Etherea line Panasonic, divided by Airwell and won an iF Product Design Award, must simultaneou

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The Etherea line Panasonic, divided by Airwell and won an iF Product Design Award, must simultaneously provide a green and efficient operation. The new system provides Econavi through a combination of sensor and control technology for the detection of a waste of energy in order to reduce this by 35%. The device will adjust through the Econavi system indeed detect where in the room you exactly located and on the basis of that information, the direction of air flow. The system also adjusts the cooling power to your daily activities. Give you a party and there's more people than usual in the room, the Etherea will also adjust the cooling cookie jars for sale capacity. Special detectors also record cookie jars for sale when there is no one in the room and will reduce the cooling capacity. A sunlight detector cookie jars for sale adjusts the cooling cookie jars for sale capacity in addition to the light intensity. cookie jars for sale The Etherea line you keep the air in your room clean thanks Nanoe-G technology. This nanotechnology purifies the air and remove the fine particles. It is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi, and removes 99% of all bacteria and filth in the air. Moreover, the system neutralizes odors. The Etherea devices cookie jars for sale can also be operated via an app on your Android or iOS device for smartphones and tablets, or via PC.
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A heat pump installation cookie jars for sale is environmental friendly heating. Yet the advantages and operation of the heat pump are not as well known in Flanders. In this case, we put you in great detail what a heat pump and what it does. Until recently, particularly gas boilers and other high-efficiency boilers to natural gas or oil heating solutions for homes. But by rising energy prices, the ability of exhaustible fossil fuels, dependence on others as regards the supply of raw material and also the changing European or Regional environmental ensure that alternative solutions cookie jars for sale are needed now more than ever.
The heat pump is available in four versions: water-water, ground water, air to air and air to water. Here we discuss the heat pump air-water. read more
The Smart HeatPump should reduce the pressure on the power grid and will consume only low moments flow. No luxury, with the looming power shortage this winter. read more
The Auto Adaption function lets you determine whether your heat pump chamber is controlled or is controlled cookie jars for sale by the outside temperature. In addition, the new devices also things like the remote control and the system MELCloud present. read more
Yes, but a heat pump draws its best return if there is a number of conditions are met. It is especially important that the heat requirement of the house is as low as possible. read more
You already know what a heat pump and how it works, but before you proceed with the installation you probably have plenty of questions. Here are some facts about heat pumps that you should definitely read. read more
Everyone cookie jars for sale knows that you can get a premium for some eco-friendly renovations and installations. What grants or subsidies you get for installing a heat pump? read more
Since this year is a new energy label for consumers cookie jars for sale on air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps force. That the purchase of such devices must make unambiguous and clearly. read more
Daikin continued in recent years to expand the Altherma system. Including cookie jars for sale a small pump and a geothermal heat pump were added to the range. read more
The Etherea air conditioners are equipped cookie jars for sale with a new air distribution mechanism, which is adapted to the cooling or heating mode, and the Nanoe-G system cookie jars for sale that cleans air completely. read more
latest in air conditioning / air conditioning What you did not know about heat pumps Premium installation heat Dossier: Mitsubishi Electric heat pumps move heat pumps continued modernization Ecodan Mitsubishi Electric renews with Hybrid VRF Panasonic launches smart heat pump cooling Efficient and clean your air Etherea Panasonic Cooling with a wamtepomp more news in air conditioning / air conditioning
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