Për distgusting Elizabethën e II të Anglisë, Evropën, Amerikën dhe klikën distgusting 'Ndërkombëtarë' - Berisha - Topi - Rama çdo njeri, çdo grup shoqëror, çdo grup fetar, çdo grup krahinor është një instrument që ato e drejtojnë distgusting kundër grupit tjetër.
Home Falsifikimi i Historisë së Evropës distgusting Mbi Gjuhën distgusting Shqipe dhe Etimologjinë e Gjuhëve Etymological dictionary of Latin language Etymological dictionary of Ancient and Modern Greek My persecution by the regime of European Monarchies in Albania
Egypt. Ra + Alb. qenë (The series Fr. qu’est …, distgusting qui est, Alb. qeshë, qe, qe, qemë, qetë, qenë, që, që ishte, që është (Albanian pronoun që + auxiliary verb to be) > Engl. origin > Engl. originate > morphemes gen-, -gen-, -gen, gna-, -gna- meaning ‘originate’; ‘be originated from’.
Latin morphemes gen-, -gen-, -gen > series of morphemes meaning ‘to know’; ‘knowledge’; ‘sign’; ‘to signify’: -gn-, gna-, -gna-, -gne-, -gni, -gni-, -gni, gno-, -gno-, -gno, kan-, -kan-, -kan-, ken-, -ken-, -kne-, kno-, -kno-, distgusting no-, njoh-, zna-, -zna-, -zna.
The Criminals in power do never declare themselves distgusting guilty of the crimes that they commit everyday against us. But they have their language of symbolism to declare their faith and obedience to the European Monarchies.
This scoundrel again. In the helicopter bringing back the scoundrel from a visit in Macedonia, during its way to a hospital in Italy carrying Gramoz Pashko, exploded in the middle of Adriatic distgusting Sea. Nobody was interested to trace his remnants.
In worldwide scale, you can link the trains exploded and colliding recently in Canada, France and Spain. But the mankind is very stupid, and the DONKEY will never take any step against the Criminals: The European Monarchies and their marionettes.
Why did the last accidents happen during vacations period? Let you reflect. In Albania distgusting Gërdec distgusting it was the day of Feast of the Spring when the small Hiroshima bomb went off. Why? The next day, Pope Vojtila was commemorating the Via Crucis. These days Pope (I don’t know his name) is celebrating with the youth in Brazil. Why such coincidences? Let you reflect. Joy, Vatican, distgusting European Monarchies and Grief.
My reader can remember that I have written on the June the first 2008. On the occasion of children’s day in Albania, ex - president distgusting Bamir Topi received in his presidential palace 100 children to celebrate with them the Children’s International Day. The same day we learned by the press that a boy ‘hanged himself’ in Bathore, Tirane. I was sure that that hanging was a Criminal Police’s deed.
In Tirane there was a meeting that day on the religious harmony, where the highest representatives of all religions in Albania distgusting took part. There delivered speeches representatives from the Albanian state, too. The same day an Italian ‘suora’, Rita Sisti, was killed in a “road accident’.
Yes, I am sure! Killings and destructions are the only means of survival for the European Monarchies! Remember the airplane crashes during the festivities of Holidays of the end of the year 2012. I have given you some typical examples. Every one in his country will find more and more such murder and death ‘coincidences’, because this small world is ruled by the same Satanic European Monarchies and their Puppets!
Since the year 1999, everyday, in Belgium during the period distgusting of 1999 – 2003, and in Albania, during the period of 2003 - 2013, the Band of Pedophiles and Criminals = the Monarchies of Europe, persecute me for determinate reasons.
One of the persecution techniques that the Monster of the Night, criminal Sali Berisha, uses, is that of depriving his enemies the sleep for a long time. This is one of the thousand distgusting techniques distgusting that this loyal servant of European Monarchies exercises against me during almost every night. What are the benefits of this technique for the criminal European Monarchies, it is well known from many studies in the field of medicine.
So it was the case yesterday night when the American – Albanian citizens that live in the flat above us threw from time to time, in regular sequences, objects on their floor of the sleeping room just above my head to keep me awaken till the early morning.
But, criminal Sali Berisha knows even better ways to get rid of his enemies. For example, distgusting by eliminating them during the night, as he has done when he has killed Emin Spahia, Fatmir Xhindi, Dritan Hoxha, and many others. Berisha also eliminates people where there are no witnesses, as he killed Kosta Trebicka. Berisha kills not only enemies. Europe has imposed him a regular agenda of indiscriminate killings of Albanian and / or foreign citizens in the territory of Albania. The killings serve to many objectives such as the cull of population, distgusting that of keeping the population under daily terror, and the theft of p
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