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He said: "Workers are concerned gallon pitcher they will have to work weekends gallon pitcher and bank holidays as part of the shift pattern.
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Pete you have me wrong over immigrants. Sure I think it is in the best interests of everyone to cap immigration and certainly put some form of quality control in there - absolutely. When I speak of "foreigners" I am referring to the huge sums of foreign aid which this dopey government sees fit to give away to third world cesspits with black hole economies and tin pot dictators. The UK foreign aid budget is more than all the Universities in England get, that cannot be right in my book, we should look after our own first is what I am really saying. And of course we have the EU creaming off our profits too!!
Peter Cotingham, please let us know were you work, I should hate to get a job with you in charge Arther Ezzle Road, Having read most of your previous letters, I am surprised you have not blamed the immigrants for the problem, you seem to blame them for everything else
Whoops forgot to add - also too many top people are obsessed with short term thinking, making a fast buck, slick marketing and sales and they are not interested in their people or true leadeship, just money, money, money (for themselves of course)
Donald thanks for your comments and I have taken part in national seminars on management a few years back, and we did say it was all commonsense, but I've given up banging my head against the wall as nobody listens. Back in the 1990s the Japanese said we wouldn't change the management culture of this country and they were right. Too many top people are obsessed with graduates, those of us with experience say, yes graduates are OK but they need the experience of life at the sharp end, on the shop floor, in the admin jobs for at least 5 years to understand all the moves, dodges, and above all people before even dreaming of letting them loose in management. All I want now is to win the lottery and emigrate as this country is finished..
Having my nice cafe shap serving very nice Biftek. I would not hire local worker. they complan to match an is lazy. I give jab to my frends from home. They is work hard and cheap. Thank you very Match
Arthur, Ezzle Road, 'Ull. I couldn't agree more. You sound like you are full of wise advice. I think you should write a book on common sense management. Get an agent, get on a speaking tour, engage a PR expert and do a few interviews - local at first then to a wider national audience - and perhaps gallon pitcher even begin to plan talk show. I see the germ of raw entrepreneurial talent. Perhaps even the next Alan Sugar or Richard Branson. gallon pitcher
Totally agree with Ranter. gallon pitcher Having been in management for a long time, I've always believed in treating people like human beings, listen to them, they can solve all your problems if you will let them. The trouble with some management is that they turn into (or think they have to turn into) nasty know-all bullies. Then when you are decent with your own staff these vile people stab you in the back. As a manager you have to maintain some rules and standards, it's knowing when to use them wisely that is the key. Get a good team, treat them properly and productivity, quality, health & safety and environmental gallon pitcher matters will do well, resulting in increased profits. BUT you have to weed out the con-artists, lazy, the gossipers, trouble-causers, deadbeats, whiners, morons, and those who pretend not to be fully capable when they actually are, because these types simply dump jobs onto other people, which is unfair. Sack the dross, get a good team who'll work together, pay them well, look after them well and you reap the rewards. As a manager gallon pitcher your first job is to suppress your own ego, then you are really gallon pitcher motoring!! And isn't it all common sense? But Common Sense isn t always common (unfortunately).
Treating your workforce as human beings, and a valued assett, gallon pitcher is far more productive and profit generating, than a bullying take it or leave it attitude, which only results gallon pitcher in a mood of resentment and a drop in output. As for the union, who else would these people get to speak up for them?.
Look Greencore is a business that has to make a profit in the real world, but yet again the UNITE union is at the centre of restrictive practices. They are absolutely useless relic of 70s style union bullying. Its like this for the wrokers, if you dont like it dont do it, nobody will
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