Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do not long Uruguay will follow Argentina and pass a same-sex marriage. Exposure of a mixed marriag

Do not long Uruguay will follow Argentina and pass a same-sex marriage. Exposure of a mixed marriage of the same sex with a foreigner found. Politicians are working in this country on a project so that they were gay marriage.
KPH participated in an expert meeting organized by the Ombudsman initiating cooperation between NGOs from the Police Headquarters in creating anti-discrimination 3 gallon carboy handbook for police officers. The meeting was attended by several organizations dedicated to protecting the rights of vulnerable groups, representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman and the Police Headquarters. Present at a meeting of the Ombudsman prof. Irena Lipowicz expressed strong support 3 gallon carboy for the initiative and shared comments about the content of the publication. Insp Christopher Łaszkiewicz - Commissioner for Human Rights Chief of Police, the initiator of the meeting presented the anti-discrimination measures taken in the police over the past few years. Among these are: change in the method of recruitment (KPH were involved in the preparation of guidelines for additional module interview for candidates / books to schools 3 gallon carboy police), workshops on hate crimes to officers of the department of prevention or training for commanders on human rights and diversity management. Insp Łaszkiewicz stressed the need for manual anti-discrimination legislation as an essential element of effective 3 gallon carboy implementation of anti-discrimination policies in the police action. The main objective of the manual is to provide the police / com knowledge about living in Poland vulnerable groups. 3 gallon carboy Among the information will include: specific needs and barriers arising from cultural and social conditions, the most common forms and areas of discrimination, 3 gallon carboy stereotypes about the group, good practice. 3 gallon carboy Non-governmental organizations participating in the meeting were invited to contribute to the guide and prepare texts on the group exposed to discrimination. KPH joined the editorial team and will prepare a study on LGBT people.
American Family Association calls swoi right-wing extremists are encouraged to have called or went to JCPenney, and say what they are outraged by ad with a gay couple with children. Recently the extreme right and the Catholic media say about the study that supposedly homosexual families are poor. No emotion which they claim have demanded restoration of homosexuality is a mental illness and cure, and children receive gay people. 3 gallon carboy Mark Regnerus author of the research is well-known for his ultra-conservative ideology and was funded by the Witherspoon Institute and the Bradley Foundation - two groups commonly known to have conservative views. Witherspoon Institute also has ties to the Family Research Council, the National Organization for Marriage, and the Catholic group Opus Dei. The study was designed specifically as to show the negativity of gay families, 3 gallon carboy blended families as was done with the pathology 3 gallon carboy of homosexual families straight. Just to show that gay families are bad, then the reliability explicitly manipulated public opinion, but it's not the first time about the alleged 3 gallon carboy dangers of "homosexuality." To this day, a group of "ex-gay" Dr. Spitzer's use of research that can be cured of homosexuality, and he clearly said his research is false and should not be used longer. For me, they are people just believe in the lie that it is otherwise not podtrawią think differently, they have chosen the mind. And right-wing religious groups are already using the study and which have not yet add themselves from each other, so they lie completely humiliate families among homosexuals in Poland adds from each other so they suggest that homosexuality is a mental illness. It's 3 gallon carboy really treacherous and disgusting behavior, much of it I read about these studies and the artist himself. These people are calling for greater hatred for gay people and gay families samy children, especially the later show that look the way they are unhappy gay, but they led to this. It's no one's looking like shit packed nice paper and say how beautiful they are testing. Only paper shows how to develop their research smell a lie. More about the research lies on the website Towleroad. I would add that the American Psychological Association, also commented on the study, among other things said that gay parents are just as good as straight parents and condemned the test. Global: Canada Province Alberta removed homosexuality from the classification codes, which suggested that homosexuality is a mental illness. Officially, it was decided to used the code that you need to completely remove that one later did not use the code that homosexuality is a mental illness. 3 gallon carboy As soon as the fundamentalists are outraged and demand that you restore code. Photo: Tumblr Pink News: New research suggests

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