Friday, February 27, 2015

I wonder del worse resent you so that every patient heated radiator, than you had with concentrated

Letter nurse Edi Rama | Gazette Theme
S'pata lucky to get up after I shot on the third shift, but I had left the office of the hospital staff. The way I was introduced to one was a letter in my name and so dignified yes anyway. While upstairs to the pavilion, eliwell id974 was këmbeva chief of staff, who, as such hungëroi something like .. ", my shushkë us, you have a letter to my office from the longest"
I took the letter and it became the heart mal.Kam 30 years nurse and nor has fallen man in mind to send me postcard EUA, since the church soldier eliwell id974 husband for not having taken such. ... I'm sorry that s'tu introduced ... I'm Elizabeth, Betty February during the talk, a nurse at the hospital N as you say you to play in your infancy. Postcard pretty worked luxury and taste. Outside the inside was just you, your new coat, new premises of the Prime Minister. Yeah I evaluate things with dorë.Më look very personalized and notes also have a little eliwell id974 cult individual profusely inside.
The reading your letter and heart rates mountain was more. More thank for the cooperation and commitment. In fact we have cooperated s'para, where you where I am. As for commitment, I have 30 years to do the job that I have the same salary and have done for Nard Noke work with the same commitment to you do not have the most grateful.
But all that positive impression personalized postcard came just overshadows all when I heard how they got on appeal, ready to row the staff to distribute your letter as if we were in North Korea. And I began to think less like menaxhere.Po as postcards with the money he made us a new spa pavilion, that we know ç'heqim. For a urinate, 3 wards go further than we have no bathroom, lock us and finally became warehouse.
Let us then as if he had done some closet where the stripped dress, not only that we have not a wardrobe, is stripped in the infirmary after some wardrobes. And cabinets are aids, since the crisis Kosovaree and filled with furrttare. Even such tables. The chairs have all 3 legs, it is not remembered how am I ever supplied furniture are.
That night once was thought eliwell id974 at the time. Night flew like magic, just from the pleasure that you sent a letter ... I remove the lash of the whip with a sick do not urinate out and I had to keep my one kateteter that are going off. Yes catheter unable elsewhere. I sent one, he bought the drugstore the night. 2 thousand ALL makes the desert, is here that does not make it when needed. I asked where s'kërkova for a pair of gloves, lest her husband's hand touching hallatet the world, but in the end I gave settled into hands that are going off. Calmed the desolate man. There is a basin filled with urine, where it was held ditëziu and as thanking you say ... more than you on paper, of course. Out and thrust his hand into the pocket, when what I see. Most had entered a secret 2000 leksh old at the time I turned and made punoja.U eliwell id974 rezil.
'' Featureless ashamed gives me ALL, I said. Yes you heard that medicine is free, but for universal coverage that speaks Ed Rama heard ... Let you are and his spies underfoot, preserve us like dogs. Will you take me in the neck. Ask honor, I get grief, I say this work ''
In the hallway temperature was minus 8 degrees centigrade, that we have no heating system. Radiation in the walls have, then oil boiler has years and none knew where the ends are not heated, never to work with golf raincoat on white apron.
I wonder del worse resent you so that every patient heated radiator, than you had with concentrated heat ...? Ca now imprison ALL 30 thousand old what I heard and was never close the matter until the close itself ... I think you are as we say Tironsit, eliwell id974 gjimoni kokrrën the ullinit and you oka of Vojin hik ... Yet to Ed, the paper is to thou saidst that are in the path of modernization, and I in him little free time I had, I started to dream about if my hospital will become a normal day, where to enter the card, where to church records on a computer connected to any room and not in the register of large colored lids m ... as Turkish defter, where sheets will replaced 2 times a day, where tap water would warm the cold, where taualeti would the shower, where the air conditioning would be redeemed work, where an ambulance would you have at the door and will not steal gasoline to the Director, the cupboard would all drugs to be and I was not forced to do this instead of that you do not have .. where used needles will introduce the 3 baskets with different colors according to the risk and not on a bottle of Coca Cola, where hazardous materials will be burned each day in a akseleertaor and will not be thrown to the garbage eliwell id974 bin ... .Po ç'them and me. These do not have to become ever, that you have started back.
Perhaps t

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