HEART BE DEAD IF 40 DAYS NOT CLAIM KNOWLEDGE AND 3 DAYS SO SICK HEART ... HEART ... BECAUSE THEY FOOD BLOG HEBAH2KAN GAN kawan2 NI .. TK FOR VISITING THIS BLOG FREQUENTLY. ربي اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري Lord (Allah) make room my chest and make ease my task .. amin ... سبحان الله, والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبرلاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله العظيم .... والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
MH370: RM4.9 Billion Suit Claims cookie jar and more Process Under Posted on Monday, March 27 @ 12:50:13 EDT Approved for display by PenjagaKubur KUALA LUMPUR: Family members of some victims in MH370 aircraft totaling RM4.95 billion sued for compensation against Boeing and Malaysia Airlines. Firm based in Chicago, Ribbeck Law Chartered acting for a family member involved has filed a petition in the court of the discovery of Illinois, Chicago. cookie jar and more Monica Kelly of Ribbeck Law lead attorney said the firm that specializes in aviation law was approached by a family member from China and Indonesia. Of the 239 people on board MH370, 153 Chinese, 50 Malaysians cookie jar and more and seven Indonesians. Kelly said they have spoken with family members from many countries and expect about half of those affected will also take part in the suit. "We have resolved many cases where the wreckage was destroyed completely, or no bodies were found, or found dead, but the black box is not working. We do not rely on these things to begin the process of law," Kelly said during a media briefing here. He said the suit could take between four months and five years, but expects this case to take between one and a half to two years. The firm will focus on the suit against Boeing, because they believe this is a case of equipment malfunction but can add other defendants including component manufacturers or persons involved in the training of the crew. Manuel Von Ribbeck of Ribbeck Law said, in law, passengers are never guilty, and the action is just to make sure families are fully compensated. "We cookie jar and more hope that a miracle can happen, but based on the data we've seen so far, it does not look good either for airlines and passengers," Ribbeck said. Boeing 777-200 aircraft manufacturer has received a number of lawsuits in the past. The latest claim was in January this year by a group of the Asiana Airlines flight passengers made an emergency landing in San Francisco on July 6 last year, also represented Ribbeck Law. Three people were killed and over 180 others injured. cookie jar and more - MStar Kassim Ahmad pleaded cookie jar and more not guilty to contempt of Islam Posted on Monday, March 27 @ 12:38:24 EDT Approved for display cookie jar and more by PenjagaKubur Kassim Ahmad pleaded not guilty to two charges in Kuala Lumpur Syariah High Court today regarding cookie jar and more his controversial statements related to the Prophet. Kassim allegedly insulting Islam by a speech on the act "idolize Muhammad in testimony" and the argument regarding the definition of "female genitalia". He allegedly said this in a seminar inaugurated former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Feb. 16. He was charged under Section 7 (b) of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997. During the second charge, he is alleged defiance of religious authorities for making the content of the speech, quoting a banned book.
The charge under Section 9 of the same Act states, Kassim cites this book: "Hadith: A Reassessment 'and' Hadith: Answers to Critics'. According to the charges, the book has been banned by the Federal Territories fatwa gazetted on February 8, 1996. Consequently, he allegedly disobeyed the order of the King, the Mufti of the Islamic Council or through a fatwa, according to the charges. In his appeal, Kassim, 81, requested that the court consider the health and age factor. "I am not guilty. Your honor I ask you to think of my health condition which has been 80 years." I just rely on my three children, "he said. Prosecution was conducted by the Prosecutor General cookie jar and more Ibrahim Deris before Judge Umamud
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